Interest in wares?


Greetings everyone,

I would like to get opinions or interest on some possible wares. I plan on bringing some basic leather gear this up coming event. Mainly leather wristbands or cuffs. with different levels of ornamentation or symbols. I am also experimenting with leather pop can covers that can hang from a belt. Im not a fan of seeing pop logos in the tavern myself. If I have time I will also be making a couple weapons frogs that can attach to a belt. These are hand specific so if anyone is interested in one let me know which side you draw from. Depending on difficulty and amount of leather and time used, I hope to have everything between the $10-25 range. If anyone can think of a any other basic items they may wish to see, send me a message or chat with me this weekend.
Also I will put up some example images tomorrow or the next day most likely in the marketplace section
Please bring your snaps. I need to hire you to repair a belt of mine.

I would defiantly be interested in a pop can holder. Do you think you could make one large enough to hold a can of Monster? Please bring what you have to the event so I can check it out. Awesome idea Rob!
