Is it good to hate sometimes?


So um, I recently came back from Odenis and visiting some folks I know out there and I had a discussion with someone I do care about that I'm trying to figure out. Basically this friend has been fueding with another adventure/group of adventurers to the point that they've even resurrected each other. The first time I went to Barran she helped me out, and made sure I had a place to stay and everything. When I went back she wasn't able to be there so I stayed in another cabin with other folks without a specific team, that sat outside of the ward of the group she doesn't like.

Anyway, both times I was in Barran I tried to help out however I could, and different people could use my help each time and she was really upset that I helped the person/group she doesn't like with somethings. (Mostly killing rat guys, and other things trying to eat the town).

I guess I don't get it, If I'm friends with someone how do you pick who, or how, to hate/be mean to the people they don't like? I felt really bad because she said her friends where upset that I was helping people they didn't like and....I dunno, I've never had people be upset because I tried to help someone else out and I just don't know what to do.

I could really use some guidance from someone that knows this kinda stuff better than I do...

Hey J,
I think that we are very fortunate in our adventuring community to basically work together. Certainly we have different affiliations and groups with agendas; but in our case people tend to work together rather than against each other. This has served to make us strong as a community. We have always been strongest when we work together. Sometimes setting aside a personal goal for the greater good becomes necessary and for the most part this is understood and appreciated by others. We as a community have done very well at helping each other develop and reach goals; celebrating each others success and sharing each others morning during loss. THAT is what makes our adventuring community special.

Perhaps others might have different opinions on this, which I respect as their right, but I would bet manyothers can recall specific instances where the above rings true.

Maybe others might like to share their thought?

Walk with Honor