It's that time of year again!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hello friends!

For those that have not met me, I am the one and only M. M. Madreskal, purveyor of fine wines and spirits, and for someone in my line of business, this month holds an extraordinary opportunity! Tis a time of harvesting, and adventurers helping me harvest is exactly what I'm looking for!

Like I'm sure you have noticed, this time of year is very special, for it is around this time that spirits of the permanently departed begin to appear once again throughout the Sheltered Lands! I collect residue from permanently dead spirits in order to create some of the finest beverage in all of Fortannis (which has been fully sanctioned by the Earth Guild three times, I assure you), and the adventurers have assisted me a couple of time from gathering old residue from Permanent Circles of Power to distill into my latest newest. My new brew needs just a few more spirits before it's perfect and ready to drink, and the spirits manifesting is an opportune time for the adventurers to assist me once more, so if you have even rudimentary skill in creating potions or alchemy or even just mundane drinks like beer or wine, listen here:

If you find any of these spirits out walking around, do your best to harvest what residue they have the moment they start to fade away! It's no good to try harvesting residue while they're still fully present, but once they fade completely it'll be too late, so you can only harvest it while they are actively fading. I imagine that you'll only have a few seconds to get the sample, so you'll have to act fast.

You'll have to harvest at just the right time to get some, but if the adventurers can bring me at least 5 different samples of spirit residue, I'll give you a little reward from my old supplies from when I used to work with the Earth Guild. If you manage to bring me 10 or more samples, I'll grab something even cooler for you.

I wish you excellent harvesting and look forward to seeing what kinds of spirits you can get for me!

~ Madreskal Madreskal Madreskal
Madreskal, tiz almost a musical name. Vith that said I vill happily help vou gather essence az always. I am most anxious to see vhat the finished product iz capable of doing.

Kitaruen Kitaruen Kitaruen
Just not the same ring.
Me drink wine and spirits... why no drink spirit wine?

-Cho Ko Nu
Ha! Spiwits fow making spiwits... Zhat is funny! Zhis sounds like fun, and I want in! What would be even bettoo fun would be sampling zhe pwoduct.

-Benedine Thistlecreek