January 22nd Event Soft Lay-On


Hello Seattle Players,

This Friday the event (At Deception Pass) will be starting with a Soft Lay On at 9pm.

What this means is that there will NOT be a PC talk at the beginning of game and at 9pm if you are on site and in costume, you may role-play and conduct non-combat actions in game.

These actions can include, buying and selling, casting wards or circles, casting rituals if you have a ritual marshal, or any Role Playing actions. Combat should be active around 11pm, an announcement will be made from the main field.

If you are arriving after 9pm or are still getting ready to go, please be respectful of the players around you who are attempting to get into game and role play. Wear your white headbands and keep out of game conversations low.

At Logistics there will be an info sheet available for you detailing quite hours, local rules, announcements and any info Plot may need you to know that would formerly have been announced at opening ceremonies.

If you have any questions please feel free to come and talk to me onsite, I will most likely be at NPC camp.