January 26th 2019 Adventure Day - Preregistration


Announcing Pre-Registration for our January 26th Adventure Day at Wixom VFW Post 2269

The price for this event will be $35, and anyone who pre-registers will save $10 off the cost of the event! Food will be available for the cost of $5 a person. You can send your payment in advance via PayPal

The event will also be a Playtest of the Alliance 2.0 Ruleset. Please see this post for more information.

Logistics Details - logistics@alliancesouthmichigan.com

Magic Item, Scroll, and Goblin Stamp spending requests (including the total goblin stamp cost of the request) will close at 11:59pm on January 18th (Friday). These may be emailed to Logistics

Preregistration for this event will close at 11:59pm on January 20th 2018 (Sunday).

Due to the needs of the 2.0 Ruleset Playtest pre-registration is very important.

In order to qualify for the discounted price you must do all of the following:
  • Update your Character to the 2.0 Rules on the Character Management Application (CMA)
    If you need to reset your XP to create a new build send an email to Logistics.
  • Pre-register for the Event using the Interface in the CMA - Upcoming Events Page.
  • In the Notes Section include the following information
    • A list of your Magic Items updated for the 2.0 Ruleset (the Playtest Package include suggestions for converting items to the 2.0 Rules)
    • If you have High Magic, and/or Production Skills provide Logistics with how you want to use those skills.
    • If you have Spells, create a Memorization List, using the CMA for your spells.
(For those of you with High Magic, don't forget that you'll only have half as much as your total levels in Formal Magic due to the fact that there is only one logistics period for one day events!)

Location: Wixom VFW Post 2269

Who's Coming?
Pre-Registered PCs:
  1. Matt - Mathis
  2. Travis - Zane
  3. Chad - Quinn
  4. Brett - Kail
  5. Kierra - Cordelia
  6. Daniel - Halfdan
  7. Rachel - Scarlet
  8. Stu - Robin
  9. Joe - Aurik
  10. Gabe - Dusty
  11. Kristen - Dustie
  12. Ian - Banradi
  13. TC - Naomi

Pre-Registered NPCs:
  1. Chris I.
  2. Christopher
  3. Mara
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As you are updating your characters for the event if you have Spell Slots please use the new "Memorization Lists" Function. Memorization Lists are located below the Available Skills and allow us to create Battle Boards with a lot less hassle.
Keep in mind that at this time you can respend you XP each event so let us know if you need assistance.