January Event Favorites


There was great RPing and combat all around but these are some things that stood out:

  1. The elf page taunting the Harkonians. I laughed so hard it hurt.
  2. Being dominated then dropping Snows. All of the ensuing RP after that was really telling for my character's development. Super happy about that, even if the catalyst wasn't great.
  3. RP with Alcandar. I think he and Cael are far more alike than either would like to admit.
  4. Rushing in and giving Prashka a Life. I finally got to pay her back!
  5. Using my alchemy skills for more than just identifying elixirs! Thank you to Amy for making those two really cool alchemy events. I felt good to be actively helping heal the bird.
  6. The stand-off at the Vault. That very nearly could have ended in a horrific group PvP fight. I don't think some people realized how on edge everyone was about that decision.
  7. The RP between Tiktik and Arannin in the tavern. I don't know how Bryan managed that with a straight face but it was great stuff.
  8. Tiktik in general now that I think about it.
  9. The weather. I know it bummed a lot of people out but I honestly didn't think it was bad (the mud can go right to hell, though). I think it added an awesome edge to the entire event.
As a side note:

Plot, Monster Camp and the NPCs did a GREAT job. I know you had some new people, I know you were low on total NPCs and I know the weather was awful but you did just pulled out an amazing event regardless. Thank you so much.
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As Barb said yesterday, great event for me, awful for my character.

1. TikTik was amazing and I loved every interaction with her.
2. The RP I had with Maxvell, mostly yelling at him 3 times over the weekend, but always from a place of caring.
3. RP with Ponya, including Orin's ultimatum to her, the resurrection story and seeing the new Ponya afterwards.
4. Ponya telling Max he was like a cub, and he needed to be treated like one.
5. Using almost everything I had, feeling pushed but enjoying the fights.
6. The time travel debate, it's not often that we have a discussion like that where almost everyone has an opinion and reasons to share. Jimmy, you did a great job as Virid of holding his point all the way to end.
7. Dealing with Virid's death. Probably the hardest RP of my life. Following the levels of grief from anger to sadness to almost hysterical laughter, and from denial to acceptance and having to take the damn quiver. For everyone who interacted with Orin from that point forward, thank you.
1: New faces. Tik Tik, Rydell, Betty. Great to RP with you.
2: Old faces. Great to see people from what feels so long ago (IG).
3: Food. Cael's stew, Shelk's breakfast, Orin's post fight cookies, Betty's marshmallow trail bars.
A great event all around, great RP, good combat scaling, all the feels.

1) The vault choice and all the RP around it. As a character who actively tries to investigate other characters' moralities, seeing the response and hearing all the arguments for the options was a gold mine of information. The taking a classic moral hypothetical and making it real ratcheted up the tension incredibly, since even OOG we knew that we were making a decision with real consequences ("which last golden horn event will we have?"). To everyone who participated, PC & NPC alike, thank you.

2) Virid's death came the closest to truly breaking both Ashok and me of anything that I've encountered in my ~3 years of play. The RP around it was magnificent, and having it happen with the specter of the vault choice on the horizon added yet another great wrinkle to the mix. Jimmy, it's been a great pleasure RPing with Virid for these years, and he will be sorely missed.

3) The interactions with Kerjal around the vault choice, and experiencing first hand a "suspicion by association" that came with being seen as his ally.

4) Natha, Prashka, and Prashok.

Everyone, PC, NPC, and plot alike really worked their butts off to make this cold & wet weekend incredible. Thanks to everyone who attended, this is gonna be one of those events I tell stories about for years.
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I should add that Sori might not know it, but Ponya is integral in a lot of different storylines right now. I'm not sure if this is something that she meant to do but it's exciting.
Good god that little orc takes a lot of energy.

1) Roleplay with -everyone-. Seriously. Every single person I interacted with this weekend was awesome.
2) "Der am dis Foggy Mist ****." Cael, "Well, that's a really appropriate description for it."
3) Seeing how many people would go from serious intense character to getting them to laugh .I like putting smiles on people's faces and being hilarious this weekend was really fufilling :)
4.) Myra's music box trap. Being shown that was awesome, and will definitely be affecting the way I make traps as this character.
5) Bettie. Jodi, as a new person to this game, I loved hanging out with you. Please come back :)
6) Meeting Auntie Nova. Jaimi, I love you dearly, and seeing this character looking at Nova as like 'new mom' or 'other other mom' was fun and fantastic. :)
7) Trying to waylay EVERYTHING. Nothing ever stuck, but man, it didn't hurt to try.
8) Brian Gregory, you are my hero. From Arannin's "Don't interrupt me when I'm talking." to the Non-Honor Combat duel with the Harkonian. Thank you for giving me a great weekend :).
9) The Sign of the Raven. It was awesome to interact with you guys this weekend as this character :).
10) Mistah D. Nate, thank you for entertaining my shenanigans.
11) Every interaction I had with Alcondar. Ron, you're a fantastic roleplayer, but it was a treat to break you out of any of your intense moments with a smile, or some other comment to make you laugh :) It might end up being Tiktik's goal in life.
12) Melvin. Holy crap. Two best peas in a pod for that fight. Seriously.
13) All of the double hooking. Its amazing out here.
14) Pan Da's reaction to Tiktik's meltdown. "Uh, Elryion? Is this when you usually comfort your young?" "Oh. ...Oh jeez! No Tiktik, its okay, you'll exist tomorrow..." Talking about unmaking people in front of the equivalent 4 year old when she finally puts together what you're actually saying.
15) All things Jeyhu. He's a dragon! I swear!

Thank you plotstaff, NPCs, and PCs. I really did have a blast this weekend :)

This event was excellent. Plot camp was short staffed but they still managed to pull of a tense event with some pretty awesome encounters.

1. Being part of the 6 "decision makers" was heart wrenching. Character logic came out so well in the debates and arguments. The mentality of each PC involved was different and caused very different decisions on what's the "moral" choice. It was a damned if you do, damned if you don't type of debate.

2. There were a ton of sweet moments at the event that aren't normally part of my game. I am so used to dark and brooding that Tiktik's words of support and hugging Alcandar actually pulled the character back into the reality that there is good in the world and made the player smile. I guess I can't be dark and brooding all the time.

3. On the sweet note, all the RP with Shelk was beautiful. A lot of private moments and sharing. I think the thing that almost made me cry was when Alcandar returned to the tavern with bloody knuckles and she, without prompting, cleaned his hands. It was amazingly touching. Seriously, Lizzy, you made my event.

4. Goodbye Virid... It's like losing a primary character on a TV show you love, who happens to be played by a good friend. I'm gonna miss that wild elf spitfire.

5. The debate. Holy crap the debate with the messengers/freemen was intense. I felt a number of times it might come to blows. Mad props to the elf page, OOG Mary, for getting involved. I have never had a page yell at me and it was for a valid reason.

6. All the new and visiting players brought a lot of new perspectives to the game. Those of you whose first game it was, you were amazing. For you veterans, way to represent your chapters.

7. Melvyn. James, your new character is well thought out and you obviously put a lot of effort into him. When I heard you were playing Poxy's son, I never expected such an affectionate creation, unique but similar.

8. M's gift and plot's reaction to Alcandar's handling of the situation.

9. Executing Ponya. It felt wrong but was necessary. The proceeding RP with her was amazing. Seeing her without her chains was awesome!

10. I appreciate that everyone was so careful despite the slippery conditions. The fact no one got hurt, beyond the usual LARP accidents, shows how responsible the PCs and NPCs were being.
--Chaos Portal mod was super fun! Rough, a bit dicey in moments, super fun!
--Panda and Nova!
--All the drama and emotions.. death, execution, yelling at others in the tavern.. ah.. good times
--RP scenes with Kaila and Arannin
--resolving some issues, getting some answers
--meeting all the fun new people!
--Good job, plot, making us all yell at each other over moral issues we didn't know we had.. wow..
-Ride to and from the event, also nice to have time to chat out of game with a well reasoned fellow larper. (thanks Sean!)
- Seeing Paige+Jaimi again, hard to get used to having to travel to visit when you used to be spoiled with monthly events.
- Oak Palm Hanging out, I never seem to spend as much time in game with you folks as I would like.
- Cold/freezing rain - was epic while my cloak held out, not so much after that.
- New Rumors and nicknames for the Rabbit, Poor guy is going to get jumped one of these days with all the rumors out there.
- Little's Food service.

Overall a good time, it's always fun to visit and hopefully I can make it out again sometime (I'll be in seattle in a couple weeks for you travelers! (assuming I get a ride from the airport))
If you're worried about all of the rumors, maybe you should stop being a dragon.
Oh man, what wasn't awesome.

1) Rage-questing for Ashok and Virid with Orin. Then the very quiet "We should probably talk" from Ashok.
2) The Vault decision. Holy crap, that decision. Between arguing with nearly everyone all freaking event, and the things that will come from it....there just aren't words. It was so great to have the amazing RP opportunities with some people I'm not used to interacting with, and probably wouldn't have gotten to talk to much otherwise. I was particularly fond of talking with Ponya, and then trying to beat my view into Virid's head with what she said.
3) Oh dear, Joe....Now I know why Prashka hates Fae so much.....
4) All the entertaining Ashok stuff. My particular favourite was "...............Interesting.........." when Prashka was rage-flirting with Natha
5) Arguing with and then having good conversations with Kerjal.
6) Chatting with Luke about all sorts of stuff on Saturday night.
7) All of the small and big interactions I had with everyone all weekend. They were simply too numerous to state all at once, but thank you everyone for everything all weekend! :)