July 10th Promotional One Day - Legacy of The Elder Gold


Welcome one and all to the preregistration for our July 10th Promotional One Day which will take place at Comfort Station Logan Square--- 2579 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647

This event will run from 10AM - 3PM. Due to the promotional nature the number of player spots is limited but we will have other ways to come and help out. We will maintain a 3:1 PC to NPC ratio for this event so that will also limit slots. To PC this event is $20 however anyone that preregisters will pay only $15. NPCs just pay $5! Please note all proceeds from this will go towards making the first ever Alliance Chicago Calendar. Also note this is a Sunday's Best Dress type of situation as we will be showing off to a group of onlookers plus taking photos for the mentioned above calendar.

Preregister if your PCing or NPCing via
Email Waysidelogistics@gmail.com or use the prereg form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1QkNiliIufYqNxF1tqMm8nacpfMVlxUQJ_AuQpQ4CcC8/viewform

Prepay to

Promotions Tent

Vendor Tent
1. Jen W (Arsitas Apothecary)
2. Bill H/Dara W (Gargoyle Forge)

Sam's Bar The Flaming Skull
1. Derek S

1. Sean V (Nahani)
2. Nadine V (Neolani)
3. Annette S (Cyn)
4. Nate S (Nikolai)
5. David G (Enan)
6. Rob S (Eric)
7. Amanda F (Quetz)
8. Elliot K (Kozan)
9. JT (Mechants)
10. Jon D (Aramis)
11. Ethan R (Iggy)

1. Rob D
2. Nate B
3. Carrie S
4. Seamus C
5. Tristin W
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Just to help clarify what this one day is since it came up in the thread for the more traditional one day.

This will be a couple hours of rp interspersed by exactly two combat mods and the whole affair will be in front of roughly 200 onlookers. As far as experience and treasure it will be a full one day. The mods are part of a 3 mod series which will begin on the one day on Saturday and then complete on Sunday.
Hey traveling players! I'm getting a fancy custom mace rep from Gargoyle Forge (super excited!), but alas, I won't be at the promo day. Is there anybody going to the promo day that will also be at the SoMN event the following weekend and willing to pick the weapon up on my behalf? Dave G seemed like the obvious go-between, but for some reason he doesn't think airplanes and big foam weapons get along very well.