July 12th Special Event/One Day


I am happy to announce a special promotional one day. It will take place at:
Comfort Station Film House
2579 N Milwaukee Ave
Chicago, Illinois
We will gather between 10-11 to set up the tables and run promotion. Rp will be allowed from 11-3 however the combat mod will last from 12-2. We will have an OOG promotions table, an OOG sellers table, than an IG promotions table/bar. Finally the actual mod/event. The real event will have a strict 3:1 PC/NPC ratio. Prereg will open two weeks before the event. Cost for any PC will be $10. Please note the event experience and treasure will be based on a full one day despite the more limited duration of the event.

Due to the fact the combat will be filmed and a promotional video made. Full Armor/makeup is required even if weather is hot. The combat portion of things will be relatively short.

The Promotions Table
1. Rob S
2. Paul F
3. Bill H

The Sellers Table
1. Jen W
2. Dara W
3. Will allow one more seller if its smaller goods.

The Bar
1. Derek S (Sam)
2. Brian G (Thaddeus)

The Event
1. Sean V (Nahani)
2. Nadine V (Neolani)
3. Annette S ( Cyn)
4. Amanda F (Liddia)
5. Nate B (Shiny)
6. Vicki P (Elle)
7. Nick P (Foss)
8. Emily G (Terra)
9. Ethan R (Ignathis)
10. David Z (Soren)
11. Jonathan Z (Vyers)
12. Ian S (Draco)
13. Daphne P (Eve)
14. Mike T (John Smith)

1. Rob D
2. Tristin W
3. Chris I
4. Jon D
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Count me in, Mai will get all dressed up for you guys.

Pants required lol
I am there to PC/NPC as needed and will gladly donate a bit of time to the promo table.

Do you need someone to drop by and take pictures?

Would love to PC, but if needed, Draco's non-union equivalent Braco Hardel the NPC can show up as well.
I can NPC, if needed, otherwise Ignathis will make an appearance.
The event is not yet posted on the comfort station website. Do you have promotional material available? Direct link website, flyer, etc.? Thanks
How can I be of help?
Pictures and video will be done by the site. Although I need a volunteer to assemble a flyer or pamplet for us by the first week of July.

The site will also post about our event next week as they generally do a month in advance.
Just let me know what ways I can help.

As I may not be able to do the event I can do a pamphlet or whatever is needed.
EDITED - Count Dara n I in: Dara will be dealing weapons OOG, and I will be happy to split time between pitch table with Paul & Rob (If you guys will have me!) and helping sell weapons.

PS - HOPEFULLY our prototype of a LARP safe, wieldable, LIGHTED TORCH will be in production by then! Can't wait for y'all to see it / play with it / order it! (Pics to follow!!!)
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I can bring Aramis and go full makeup or NPC. I have also been working on incense bottles and Maps that can be at the sellers table.
Really Happy to see folks come up with ways they can help promote and improve our game!

Your level of dedication is noted and appreciated folks.


Whats the turn out looking like so far?
So- questions- what exactly is this? A demo or a one day? When is preregistration open? Is this dress to best to impress situation- cause I got a few more intense then usual gowns:-)?