July Event Favorites


I'll get things started for the old favorites list!

- All things Catherine's birthday
- New Griddle and the dominance of the Griddle Master
- Seeing a bunch of my favorite people! (It's been a lonely month and I missed out on July 4th)
- Gnolls not quite being shifty enough to get murdered
- Emerald Undead fight
- Kin resists, It's been awhile since I swung an effect into a kin only to get resisted!
- The PCs apparently picking a mantle to sponsor
- 'Big number Elemental!' 'Bane' <while falling to the ground> 'I didn't think...he'd bane...that'
- 'Guess I'll get it over with since I'm out of weapons' <comes to get murdered>
- Crab mod
- Seeing the pcs starting to find more footholds in the world the explore
- the Lock RP
The poet. . . .their stories are always wonderous to behold and having them listen to our skewed stories (the millenium guardian a.k.a. the lock) are always a joy.

Thank you for Heinricht's story! I hope all of the poet's stories post to the forums soon.
- Getting to be more of a tavern presence! I got to interact with several individuals the way I envisioned when I made my character. Do several rune readings, sell a wand and scrolls....I like the merchant life and hope to continue to move more into that role and leave adventuring to adventurers.

- Silas sticking to his guns. He didn't feel good about murdering the gnolls, so we backed out. Not murdering intelligent beings is an option!

- Getting to know V better. Whats that? You want to take out elementals and you are in charge of crafting? Lets talk. I only hate I found out about it right before leaving T_T

- I am a lock... oh man. What a hilarious NPC. Can we make her the lock to the tavern >_>

- Getting to do some great RP with the Stone Rose NPC group. That was a lot of fun. James hardcore took me off guard with his question though.
1st NPC: Will North lead to treasure?
2nd NPC: Why did the Fae attack us?
James NPC: Why did my daughter run away from home?

-Didn't get far with the time travelling tower guy this time, but its fun to think we are having long term progress I really like the concept of this mod. Would love to see the skills we are forcing him to use catalogued somehow...

- Seeing all the familiar faces! Especially love seeing new larpers return. I hope you continue to be long time players!

Thank you Jessica and David for running a great game. Thank you NPCs, fellow PCs, everyone!
And now, I’m now particular order…
1- The ice truck! Sooo refreshing! What a nice treat. Love my sour flavors XD

2- Annihilating elementals by playing the appropriate rock-paper-scissors element against them. It feels powerful! Granted, running out of ammo isn’t great but those first few rounds where you throw a packet and an enemy goes down? I live for that.

3- Reckless but effective! Skoldr dropping his stuff in my hands and slam-dunking an ice elemental into the plane of fire is a moment that will live forever in my mind as pure badass. Thank you, Adam, for that!

4- Poetry slam with Sweetbriar! Dude! I was being cocky about a stone elf not being able to be swayed emotionally but that was totally epic. It was all I could do not to cheer and laugh- you, sir, are a genius.

5- Coins in ice. I don’t know what that was about, but it was FUNNY and some of my best quips came from it, so I approve.

6- Game continues, even if the weather doesn’t want us to! I was worried when the sky opened that we’d wind up losing our weekend but ya’ll rolled with those punches and we had a blast! Big kudos to our hosts for their adaptability! It’s a shame I can’t nominate ya’ll for virtues!

7- Still love the virtue system (I know this is a cheat as it’s not technically part of the weekend, but I had to put it out there somewhere).

8- I had a lot of fun crossing blades this game! I don’t know what’s different this time but I’m usually very stressed during combat, to the point where I sometimes freeze up and can’t speak my defensives (which usually results in me locking up and getting whacked a hundred times), but this time felt more chill and fun and I could actually focus. No clue why or how, but I’m choosing to credit the excellent work of our NPC’s, so THANK YOU, NPC’S!!!

9- Ok, time to let my fat guy show… loved the food. Grill culture is best culture and we had the medieval equivalent of a radio going (Sweetbriar’s poems) so shy of some brewskies, it was the perfect summer bbq. ❤️
