July IBGAs


Please note we are taking a new round of partial IBGAs. Everyone gets one and only one action from the July one day. It must be related to the one day or following up on something you IBGA'd for June. The deadline for these submissions is July 20th aka Monday next week at 11:59PM. Please submit to Waysideibgas@gmail.com like normal. Thanks all.
What do we do if we haven't heard back about our June IBGAs?
All ibgas have been sent, we can resend yours. Anyone else missing theirs let us know.
Aaron, if you're referring to the letter you sent in late May, you should have received a response from Ryan shortly afterward. If you sent something after that, I don't see anything at the plot email address.
Can I get that resent? Perhaps it got lost in my email.

If anyone else needs a response resent, please contact a plot member or ping the IBGA address waysideibgas@gmail.com.
