June - favorite moments


Me: *KSHK* "Location check - Field, are you in position?"
Radio: "Field ready"
Me: "Treeline?"
Radio: "Treeline ready"
Me: "Woods?"
Radio: "Uh, guys.... where'd we put the woods cup?"

Jack's heroic saving of Jr's unfortunate misstep.

Epic amounts of roleplay on the Hammer mod.
All the amazing RP.

Playing with Cestiel again (probably my most favorite part :yes: ).

The great NPCs that all played characters not just thugs.

The Sunday morning battle.

All the politics and secret RP that was flying around.

Pacing like a caged animal with Roan as the chaos elementals were trying to make a deal. Then deciding their fate with Roan, Aranan and Ifthikar (probably spelled those wrong).

Hallucinating (A LOT) at the game. The white headband NPCs feeding us hallucinations.

Virid's red star with all the answers.

My awesome Legion of the sunburn tattoo (check my FB if you wanna see that awesome).

Seeing Cestiel destroying people from behind while I hit them with spells.

Storming the fort was amazing. (more later, maybe)
evi1r0n said:
All the amazing RP.

The Sunday morning battle.

Pacing like a caged animal with Roan as the chaos elementals were trying to make a deal. Then deciding their fate with Roan, Aranan and Ifthikar (probably spelled those wrong).

Hallucinating (A LOT) at the game. The white headband NPCs feeding us hallucinations.

Storming the fort was amazing. (more later, maybe)

+1 to these. As an NPC, I was very happy that the Sat night Fort group PCs were more than willing to play with the hallucinations...
-Hiding in the fort, waiting for the minotaur supply caravan to come in so we could ambush them. We'd sent the orcs to the battlements hoping that from a distance it would appear that they were lizard men.
Will's Orc (upon seeing the caravan): Hello! Hiss! *waves*
The rest of us: Seriously? Did that just happen?
The caravan promptly turns around and hurries away.

-Kaila being hallucinated to think she was Roan. She pushed me aside to stand next to Arannin and then demanded I hand over "her" shield before I hurt myself.

-Being angry with Alcandar! -- "Seriously? Chaos lizards? We going to negotiate with them too now?"

-the amazingly heroic efforts of Yames. I owe you, buddy.

-JP's minotaur's irritatingly accurate stone bolts

-Joe's dwarf! He can play a good guy!

-We took a fort!!

-Arannin luring Roan and Caana outside the hallucinate zone. Hallucinated people are hard to herd.
  • Holding off 2 undead dwarves while Jack finished off the other in the sinkhole
  • Both big fort fights. They were very tiring, and there was a lot of strategy to be had with positioning and whatnot
  • Narrowly dodging a cause light through a gap in the wood, then being the bane of Chas's caster's existence as he tried unsuccessfully to lose me around corners
  • Seeing Amanda's minotaur's face get increasingly more incredulous as I dodged and called defenses to all her dominates
  • Killing a minotaur from the battlements with my assassinate
  • Alcandar's comment about negotiating with chaos lizards
  • Causing the red star to amend its lifespan declaration
  • Convincing Alcander to burn a purify on me by only asserting the truth of the cosmos. "Feeling better, buddy?" "No... [as realization slowly dawns about the nature of the hallucination] or... yes?"
  • Explaining to Trillian why Virid is socially awkward
-Walking back to the Fort with Spook
"Semaj, you ever have one of those moments where you question everything that you know? You know where you wonder if everything you know is true?"
".......... no."
"Oh. Well, nevermind"
-The fort battles. They were an awesome way to break in the new guy
- Getting pinned and then disarmed of my polearm only to have on of the lizard people toss it into a warded room. All I could think was "Damn, that's slick".
-Chloe being awesome and handing me some orc teeth before she even knew my name. That is some serious awesome sauce. :)
- Having Lord Oranan(sp?) constantly threaten everyone with death and having my orc look around to people and ask "And you're sure he is one of the good guys?"
- Fighting a Minotaur with Tony's orc Toad. After we dropped him he allowed me the "honor" of the killing blow. After getting 120 Vengeance to the face he responded "Sorry Semaj, someone had to take it. And well, you're the new guy."

Over all it was an awesome experience and a great introduction to Alliance. I am super stoked about the next event and hope to see you all there. :)
-The food
- Wandering around as a mino patrol, hearing a noise behind me, I turn. Roan is right behind me. I had no idea they were that close.
- Wandering around the fort walls making up derogatory poems about dwarfs.
- Jordan wandering around the fort walls with a plate sticking out of his horns.
- Being a toad and throwing up coins, cookies, and fiery birds.
-being a snake. *evade* *evade* *evade* *evade* *evade*...
-Virid being my casters nightmare. "Stop following me!!
-Black coming up to my minotaur after I had finally been dropped. Someone yells "watch out! He's going to explode!" Black: Did anyone bring any marshmallows? I can- "KABOOM!"
-Watching Itzak teeter on the edge of a 30 foot drop multiple times.
-Dropping Itzak with cause wounds, then Prashka heals him, I drop him with a cause wounds again, she heals him again, I pull out my staff and drop him again, then turn to fight someone else. Turns out I have no idea how to fight with a staff.
-2 pages!
- Running in terror as the entire fort charges after us 4 minotaur.
- "Row Row Row your boat..."
- Being Confined as said boat sank. Whoops.
- Being a dead dwarf.
- Watching Roan drink the finest Dwarven ale.
- The chaos nymph and the box.
-There was so much archery and so many arrows! seeing the ground literally covered in blue packets Sunday morning was awesome.

- trying to stand up to JP's minotaur when he had Roan and consequently being tossed from the fort wall.

- Resurrecting, the story about the dwarves was awesome.

- The gypsies.

- Hallucinating.

- legion infighting.

-Learning what my character is all about with the help of everyone I interacted with.
  • Alcandar trying to kill me with a cure light wounds, because I was a ghost that made the circle disappear
  • The chaotic purify. "Weren't expecting that, were you?" Too bad it didn't make up for the rest of your shenanigans.
-More props to the Hammer mod, most notably:
--The Introspection/Sharing room with Spook
--Calming Itzak's pain and helping calm Vishnik's rage through mental powers. Stone Elves are awesome!

-After the Hammer mod, sitting around and talking about theories of celestial motion with Spook & Itzak. It was a great denouement, just light hearted chat after the intensity of the mod.

-Trying to find a party to investigate the green ant lair card. Everyone turned us down =/.

-Dissecting the stinky toad with Mixer.

-Hanging out with the gypsies, foiling all their attempts to get Ashok to crack a smile. Actually, just hanging out with the gypsies period. You guys are awesome =).

-Helping to solve the "mastermind" puzzle Friday night, by deciphering the Thamaturge's clues.
Egads...so many...

-Hanging with my brothers. Hell yeah gypsies!
-Friday night's discussion about fanaticism and chaos magic, tied in with that, the idea that a good friend won't put you in a position to choose between a rock and a hard place if she can avoid it.
-Having to be REALLY quiet when in camp the first day and night and watching the minotaurs walk through camp
-Had fun storming the castl...er...fort!
-"Gypsy raging" over being silenced three times in like 10 minutes, and being "unsilenced" halfway through a very entertaining rant
-Teaching celestial magic to Jack Jr and Burberry
-Chasing some minotaurs down across the field
-Helping with the Thaumaturge's ritual
-Saving some dwarfs from committing suicide (yay for prisons)
-Drama with Itzack and the family
-The intoxicate/hallucinate pasta and drinks...especially being the only one unaffected at the table
-Dinner outside!!! In a fort!! :D
-Angsty, angsty RP with the Legion after the puzzle box Saturday night...so much drama!
-Really getting a feel for Yames' personality
-Scaring the Legion (and Bond) a little after coming back from the biffy of doom
-Defending the fort Sunday morning
-Running after and saving Vishkin
-Dwarven booze. Heeee, that party was getting STARTED.
-Spending so much time with such AWESOME players and NPCs. It made my entire month!
Just wanted follow-up and share the following bit of correspondence from the Cascade Pacific Council with everyone:

Hi John,
I am so glad you followed up as I too have been so busy with the summer camp happenings and payments. I did get a very good report on your group, I am happy to say! You know the saying ‘One bad apple spoils the whole bunch’, well I think that is what happened, and your group restored our faith. Thank you so much!

Thank you to all the players and volunteers that helped ensure that we represented our group and LARPing in general in such a positive light. Thank you also to everyone that made sure to stay a bit late and make a thorough sweep of the campsite.