Kaida Senu - Accountability, Town Auction and Town Splits


Chicago Staff
Welcome to Kaida Senu fellow adventurers and travelers!

As many of you make your way into these lands, I would ask the following of you.

1) Please have your name written down for accountability and loot splits upon your arrival. There will be a large piece of parchment that will allow for this.

2) If you are apart of a larger group, please make a notation by your name with the name of your group. Furthermore, to save time on town loot splits, designate upon the parchment which member of your group is your loot split picker upper. For the moment, a star next to the individual’s name will suffice until we have a better system of denotation.

Those that oversee the town auctions/town loot splits will be basing their information off what is upon this. If your name is not upon this parchment, you WILL NOT receive a cut of the loot. We have had too many issues within the last few market gatherings that several individuals have gotten either smaller cuts or no cuts at all to ensure that there is no drama in regards to treasure.

The town box is held and managed by Shen of Fate’s Pawns. Shen keeps an up-to-date listing of the items within the town box in the Dreaming. If you are need of items, please speak with him and he will assist as he is able to.


With many adventurers desiring coin, components or other like items of treasure, I wanted to go over how most loot splits/town auctions are handled within our fair town.

1) Treasure is either a payment at the end of a mission by the individual that made the request or found in a box, bag, place of hiding. **

2) For the moment, town loot splits/town auctions will be managed by the following individuals:
a. Desylvia
b. Glenn Stormwolf
c. Viceroy Columbidae Dawn Henry Woodrow of New Zenith the 2nd (Woodrow)
If these individuals need assistance, they will request for it. Please do not walk up and attempt to help them unless you are called upon to help.

3) Components that are tied to the land are sold for 5 silver. Traveling components are sold for 1 gold. Components that seem to be tied to either Creation, Destruction or Time are sold for 5 silver.

4) Production items are sold at a silver per level of needed training to create. For example: an Enslavement Antidote takes 9 levels of training to create, thus costing 9 silver. Please note, if you believe an item is improperly marked on its creation cost, please speak with your fellow adventurers to see the current knowledge needed to craft all items.

5) Components and production items purchases are on a first come first serve basis.

6) We will be preparing 4 extra cuts per each town loot divvy. This 4 extra cuts are for as follows:
a. Payment to the Town Box to ensure funds are available for items necessary for the town
b. 2 splits for Reimbursement to adventurers that offered up personal items of power for the
building of our anti-wild magic lightning rod
c. 1 extra loot split in case there was a miscounting of individuals from the adventure

If we do not have need of the extra loot split, this money will be used to further accelerate the repayment of debt to the adventurers that have offered up personal items to the town. Once this debt has been paid, the town will only prepare the cut for the Town Box and the extra cut just in case.

7) When all items have been bought and paid for, your name or designated loot picker upper will be called to the table to retrieve your split. If you do not come to the table within 30 minutes, your split will be given to the town box.

**Out of Game: Treasure is given at the end of each mod here at Wisconsin. Please send a runner to plot to receive your treasure after each mod is completed
Am I not allowed to help with treasure any more?