LARP Hot Spots in the Pacific Northwest?



My name is Lianna and I am an avid LARPer, role-player and gamer. I have participated in many a LARP here in Southern California as a player, writer, and as a costumer and prop maker. I am also the founder of Melodramatic Mysteries Interactive Theater (a theater style LARP group) and The Wyvern Manor Gaming Society (a tabletop RPG and board gaming group).

Pam, my partner of 36 years, and also a LARPer/gamer, and I are planning on moving to the Pacific Northwest later this year. We are currently looking at the areas around Portland, Olympia and Seattle. When we do relocate, we hope to continue our active roles in the LARPing and gaming communities, and would like to be a geographically close to as many activities as possible. Could someone tell us where the centers of LARP activity are in Oregon and Washington?

Thanks! I hope to hear from you soon!

Lianna :O)
Hi Lianna,
The Pacific Northwest is a great place to be a larper right now. In the last two years or so, the number of larps ib the area has doubled and more are on the way. The bulk are based out of the Seattle area, where you can find everything from high fantasy games to horror survival and scifi games. The Portland area has a smaller number of games, but lets face it, is a better city in general. Both the Oregon and Seattle based games have a large number of people traveling to them, so rides to/from one city to the other are generally available.
We look forward to seeing you at a future game!
Wow! That's good news. I hope that there will be room for Melodramatic Mysteries. :O) I also hope that I don't offend anyone by saying this, but we are kind of leaning towards the Portland area, but that could change at the drop of a LARP...err...hat!

Actually, when we first started house hunting it was in the Eugene/Corvallis/Salem area, but after visiting there a couple of times, we were afraid that there just wasn't enough population base to support MM and LARPing in general, so we moved our search north to Portland.

Now we are exploring Seattle and it's surrounds, and recently included Olympia. We have heard some not-so-nice things about Tacoma so we are staying away from there.

Our plan is to find a unique older/historic home (like we currently own) for our theater style MM games, with maybe (if we are lucky) enough land to for "outdoor" play.

I curious, how far are people willing to travel for say, a five hour theater type mystery game? Especially in Seattle where travel might involve a ferry trip.
I currently travel around 1hr to a friend who runs a theater style game on a regular basis. I have in the past, and will again, drive around 4+ hours to Otherworlds for a theater game run by one of our players, Ron.
This was mostly because I know Ron and the type of games he likes/runs. So word or mouth/history can influence that greatly (also helps I have friends in the Seattle area in addition to living here in Portland).
Glad to hear that travel doesn't seem to be that much of a problem. I was a bit worried that we would hold a LARP and no one would come because, depending on where we end up, we would be too far away from everyone. MM has a good reputation here. Hopefully I can re-establish said reputation when we relocate.
The PNW is a great place to be for LARPing in general. I myself, unfortunately, do not have the free time to devote to more than one LARP at a time but I know there are many on these forums that do. We have Oz, Legacies, Alliance (obviously), Dying Light, Shadow Accord and others.

If you have any specific questions about Alliance in Oregon, do not hesitate to message me at I am the New Player Representative for this chapter.