This list of laws is not a comprehensive list of the legal system of Rathfall, but only of laws deemed most relevant by the Rathfall High Council to adventurers, Unbounded, and newcomers.
All of the Thirteen dignified races enjoy the full rights and protections of the laws of Rathfall. These races are as follows: Biata, Dark Elves, Dryads, Dwarves, Elves, High Ogres, High Orcs, Hobling, Humans, Oathsworn, Starborn, Stone Elves, Sylvanborn, and Wylderkin.
Other sentient races enjoy fewer rights and protections of the laws of Rathfall.
The hierarchy of the nobles of Rathfall are as follows:
Archduchess Pro Tempore Yvaine Rumil
Prince Consort Byras Montague
Viceroy Fortinbras
Prince Tristan
Counts and Countesses of the Districts of Rathfall and the appointed High Vindicator of the Earth's Chosen by its Padishah
All crimes are to be judged by the landed local noble where the crime occurred. Exceptions for crimes of necromancy and crimes against the well-being of the earth, jurisdiction shall be given to the Earth’s Chosen.
The Laws of the Earth’s Chosen
The laws of the Earth’s Chosen overrule all laws of the independent city states of the Grimere Expanse.
The hierarchy of the Earth’s Chosen of Rathfall is as follows:
Padishah Celestine II
High Vindicator Constantine of Rathfall
Vindicators of the Districts of Rathfall
All of the Thirteen dignified races enjoy the full rights and protections of the laws of Rathfall. These races are as follows: Biata, Dark Elves, Dryads, Dwarves, Elves, High Ogres, High Orcs, Hobling, Humans, Oathsworn, Starborn, Stone Elves, Sylvanborn, and Wylderkin.
Other sentient races enjoy fewer rights and protections of the laws of Rathfall.
The hierarchy of the nobles of Rathfall are as follows:
Archduchess Pro Tempore Yvaine Rumil
Prince Consort Byras Montague
Viceroy Fortinbras
Prince Tristan
Counts and Countesses of the Districts of Rathfall and the appointed High Vindicator of the Earth's Chosen by its Padishah
All crimes are to be judged by the landed local noble where the crime occurred. Exceptions for crimes of necromancy and crimes against the well-being of the earth, jurisdiction shall be given to the Earth’s Chosen.
- Assault: No person shall intentionally put another person in reasonable apprehension of an imminent harmful or offensive contact, be it physical or magical in nature.
- Closure: No person shall cast a Spirit Farewell ritual on a deceased person without the deceased’s next of kin’s consent. In the event the deceased’s bloodline has ended or a next of kin cannot be found, or ten years have passed since the death, the right shall be granted by the Noble whose lands the deceased perished in.
- Impersonation: None shall Impersonate, falsely claim, or falsely allude to being one of noble blood, rank, station, or otherwise. This Includes, but is not limited to other ranks and titles of the Triumvirate of Rathfall.
- Kidnapping: No person shall deprive one of Dignified Race of their physical freedom without just cause.
- Libel / slander: It is unlawful to bring disrespect or dishonor upon one of noble rank verbally, in writing, or otherwise.
- Murder is punishable by permanent death.
- Necromancy: The possession or use of any necromantic items, spells, rituals, or undead shall be subject to punishment by the laws of the Earth’s Chosen.
- Recreational use of alchemical substances: The recreational use of alchemical substances designed to inflict a euphoric or amnesiac effect are prohibited by those who are without Noble blood or title.
- Ritual Assault: it is unlawful to cast magic rituals against one of noble blood or titled members of the Triumvirate of Rathfall without consent.
- Sedition: No persons shall attempt by overt or covert acts to overthrow or otherwise harm the government of Rathfall, or to kill or personally injure any person of noble blood or title.
- Slavery: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as penance for a crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within Rathfall.
- Theft: Theft of goods or services is punishable by a fine or prison relative to goods stolen.
- Treason: No person shall attempt by overt or covert acts to overthrow or otherwise harm the government of Rathfall to which the offender owes allegiance; or to kill or personally injure the Archduke, or his immediate family.
- Trial by Combat: A person of noble blood or marriage or rank of Rathfall may demand, as an alternative to a traditional trial, a trial by combat. This is to be a duel to the death between the accuser and accused, or their designated, willing, champions. Should the accused utilize a champion, the accused agrees to suffer the legal consequences of the crime accused of in the event his champion is defeated. No life spells for the trial participants may be administered after the trial. The location of the trial is to be agreed upon by both parties. The weapons are to always be a single longsword provided by the accuser and agreed upon by the accused. Alternative weapons may be used if agreed upon by both participants. The duel shall be overseen and judged by a local Earth’s Chosen of Vindicator rank or higher.
The Laws of the Earth’s Chosen
The laws of the Earth’s Chosen overrule all laws of the independent city states of the Grimere Expanse.
The hierarchy of the Earth’s Chosen of Rathfall is as follows:
Padishah Celestine II
High Vindicator Constantine of Rathfall
Vindicators of the Districts of Rathfall
- Necromancy, in all forms, is strictly forbidden. Those who utilize, possess, or cast necromatic items, spells, rituals, or consort or conspire with persons or creatures that do, shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
- As recently declared by his eminence Padishah Celestine II, those evil enough to commit necromancy are no longer recognized as members of the Dignified Races, and instead are classified as evil magical creatures. Examples of evil magical creatures include, but are not limited to: vampires, blight creatures, were-creatures, and undead in their various forms. They are to be purged from this world.
- Any persons convicted of a crime may exercise the right to pledge themselves to the Earth’s Chosen as one of Devoted Rank. Pledging oneself "to the Red" absolves and erases all crimes. Persons of Devoted Rank are devoted for life.
- Any person free of guilt and pure of heart has the right to willingly pledge themselves to the Earth’s Chosen and start under the rank of Adherent.
- The law of Sanctuary: violence and combat is prohibited in any Sanctuary of the Earth’s Chosen, with the exception of self-defense from monsters, evil magical creatures, and other non-sentient entities. Any person of Dignified Race may enter a Sanctuary and may not be harmed.
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