LCO Production clarification.


So last game I picked up about 35 points of LCO only Potion production. I then used said production Saturday night to make a pile of potions.

So at the time I had 25pt's of my own plus the 35pt's of tagged production totaling 60pt's total production.

Now according to the production rules in the book if you have a workshop it doubles your production EG: 25pt's becomes 50pt's. Which according to the example in the book PG54-55 allows you to create potions up to that amount of points.

However were you to do a batch and pay money to extend your production points you can only create potions up to the amount of points you already have. For me 25 points.

So my question is do the LCO production points count as workshop points or batch points? When I went to logistics on Saturday night they were treated as batch points.

I saw no local clarification on this so I thought I would bring it up. I think the production items are awesome and would love to see more!
Cool thanks for the clarification.