Lessons from a Battlemage


Hello, fellow adventurers!

I plan on running my first teaching on Saturday morning at around breakfast time. This is going to center around my approach to using Earth magic to directly confront opponents, and I invite you to learn from my experience!

You need not be an Earthen mage to participate, or even a mage at all! This lesson, in fact, may be beneficial regardless of what battle skills you possess.

Please note that while others possess their own approaches and experiences, this lesson I’m holding is not intended to discuss the “right” way to use our magic, only what my way is. If others wish to hold their own lessons regarding their methods, I absolutely encourage them to do so.

I look forward to having you!

Shaman Zeth
Sir Tantarus,

A successful battlemage should strive to sow discord and chaos (in the figurative sense, not the "illegal, corruptive magic" sense) amongst their enemies, but my lessons should hopefully be more orderly than that.

Perhaps you'd benefit from being present! In fact, as an experienced combatant, your presence may be very useful! I hope you'll attend!

-Shaman Zeth
If you attend Zeth's lesson to learn, I'll ensure you have what you need to practice. If you are new to the effort, please come by.

More personally, I need to know how your people cast magic, so I can make what you need.

- R.P. Dextermagus
I am disappointed that this did not happen. I hope you will reschedule as I am very interested in your theories.
As am I!

I do intend to hold this lesson in a couple of months, and I'll give people a heads up closer to the gather.

-Shaman Zeth