Local Page rules


After glancing through the page policy, I noticed that it said "Any player under the age of 14 is under mandatory Page status." I know this is probably a really stupid question, but does this mean that if your over 14 it's okay to PC? I was severely disheartened when I read on the main website that you had to be 16 (Only a year away, but still). Thanks!
Paging doesn't prohibit you from PC'ing, it merely limits and defines what sort of combat you are allowed to participate in.
Roan Dari Alki said:
Since you're 15, you are not required to page. However, you'll need to have your parents sign a legal release, see link here: http://alliancelarp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=12229

If you're interested, pick up a copy of our rulebook here: http://alliancelarp.com/books.php The PDF version is about $6. Feel free to post more questions on the board or you can email me at playerrep@allianceoregon.com.

Hope to see you out!

In addition you will need to have a Parent or Legal Guardian on site at events. Also to note, that for Oregon you need to be 14 and have graduated from the 8th grade to no longer be a page.