Looking for Rob Killeen (sp?)

Dar Beltaine

Hi There,

I'm looking for the player Rob Killeen, (not sure if I'm spelling that correctly).

Anyway, I have a question for you and would love it if you could shoot me an email.

Or, if anyone else knows how to contact him, please let me know.

Thanks kindly folks!

Happy New Year!


Jaimi Davis
I'm reaching out to him for you, Jaimi. :)
Hey Jaimi,

Norman let me know you had a question about a purchase. Rob Killen got one of your vile pouches at the end of last Oregon game. I paid for it on my credit card for him.

Any questions please let me know.

Jeremy Romig
I think in this case the difference between "vial" and "vile" is important. :D
HAH!!!! Thanks Rick! I agree! Lol!

Hey Jeremy,
Thanks for getting back to me. I'll be in touch via private message. :-)

Cheers all and thanks for the help!