Lords Meet

There will be a meeting of the Nobles, Land Administrators, Ship and Caravan Owners during the evening repast on Saturday the 11th. (repast is a fancy word for evening meal)
It is asked that all concerned please attend.

Sheriff Cain Westlin
Good Sheriff Westlin

Is this meal a private one or public. I have a discussion to be had with those present. If it is private, how may I request to be amended to that list.

Thank you

The meeting/dinner is not at all private. It is a time for all people of the land to talk to and hear from the nobles of our land. This meeting will also shed light on any good things or problems that are plaguing peoples lands or even shipping routes and wagon trains. Everybody is more than welcome to come join in this meeting :).

Sheriff Westlin,

While my employer, Vassal Knight Jehan Wyldweaver is unlikely to be able to attend, I will be traveling to this meeting myself as his Seneschal to ensure his duties are properly upheld and that he is aware of any issues he may be able to assist in.

Enan Bluewater,
Barrister of Wayside, Seneschal to Jehan Wyldweaver