Machine gunning rules: tracked separately per-weapon?

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The rule for machine gunning state that you must hit a new location or wait 2 seconds before hitting the same location again. For a two hand fighter, is this tracked separately per-weapon, or taking all your swings as a whole?

To be more specific, let's say I am wielding a left hand weapon and a right hand weapon. Consider the following two scenarios:

Scenario 1:

- I hit the opponent's right shoulder using my right-hand weapon at time T.
- I hit the opponent's right shoulder using my left-hand weapon at time T + 0.7 seconds.

Is this machine gunning because I hit the same location twice, even if it was with two separate weapons?

Scenario 2:

- I hit the opponent's right shoulder using my right-hand weapon at time T.
- I hit the opponent's left leg using my left-hand weapon at time T + 0.6 seconds.
- I hit the opponent's right shoulder using my right-hand weapon at time T + 1.2 seconds.

Does this count as machine gunning? I did hit the same target within 2 seconds using the same weapon, but there was a swing with a different weapon in between, so considering all my swings as a whole I did not hit the same location twice in a row.
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I have used Two Weapons on my character for the better part of a decade now.

There two key things to always remember:
Every single one of your verbals must be able to be understood by your target (this includes weapon swings) for the damage/effect/spell to be taken. The onus is on YOU the attacker to speak clearly and concisely. This means that you cannot swing faster than you can speak clearly. (ARB pg 37, pg 94)
Swings must us a 45 degree arc (ARB pg 37)

For two weapons I swing a weapon, then follow up at a different location with my second weapon maybe a second later ensuring that I am starting at at least a 45 degree arc (at my elbow) to ensure that I am in compliance with the rules. I try to always err on the side of caution.

In your first scenario, we call this "drum rolling" and is machine-gunning, especially if you are not going back at the required 45 degree angle.

Scenario 2 I would generally be more lax on, though since you specified a time frame, I would consider 3/5ths of a second as swinging too fast and ask you to slow down. I would also ask you to make sure that you are enunciating clearly (I've never met an Alliance player whom I would say could legally speak clearly enough to swing that quickly). And I certainly don't think a new NPC is going to be able to catch your calls and would not be obligated to take your damage as a result.

Hope this helps.

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