Magic? No.


This be dream of deep inner reflection.

Me dream for explain unnatural nature of cast magic and explain why me longer want use or be part of use if possible no use it. Me know almost everyone disagree, but me finally see clear, and that all that matter.

When me first adventure, me no strong fighter. In desperate act for get strong fast, me seduced by power of Sky Magic and take ritual for Spirit Reforge. This be me choice, me no blame caster of ritual for it or what he teach me. That be his nature and me honor him with it. After that work very good, me want more power, so me ask for magic weapons, even elemental weapons. It feel so wrong, but so right. Me ignore deep bad feelings for lust of power and revenge on Corrupt with new magic strength.

In me worst moment few month later, me consider use Necromancy for possibly good of save lives, that crime that me executed for in last month. (Me hope issue over now that me sentence complete and can move forward in life.) Me reflect on this for many months: How magic make me so weak for want its power? How me fall into that trap? Me need be stronger of mind for overcome this. Me getting there.

At trial, Fern Woods give me wisest of words: We fighters use weapons, leave magic for others. Not exact words, but close enough. True warrior no need magic. Me want be true warrior.

At market day this spring, Foss have good conversation with me. He tell me where magic come from, and how if me believe Elemental bad because take awake from natural Plane of Element and disrupt nature, then Earth magic also act same way, and Foss was in Plane of Earth for see this. Foss also explain Fortannis only Plane of Fortannis, even if we earth-based creatures. Fortannis no be Plane of Earth.

Me consider his words very carefully for many days now and find pure truth in them. Any and all magic come from somewhere. That somewhere be natural place for it. If take away from that place, that no be natural. No matter if Element or Curse, Sky or Earth. Act of cast magic, draw magic force from other planes disrupt natural balance of other planes, and me no more support that. Me support natural way of all things.

Why me say all this? Me have point. Me here and now resign as Defender of Earth Guild because that guild dedicated for use of magic. If you understand me thoughts, you understand why me no want be part of that.

Me still need healing from battle, yes. Me ask any healer please use natural potion or alchemy for heal whenever possible. Me pay you for use supply or me make sure have supply on me for use. This be natural healing. This be way me want be healed, unless absolute necessary (me leave that for Healers for decide).

Some know that me have enchanted armor, but me think if magic already in it, unnatural process already done, so might as well use, but after gone, me seek only natural armor. Also in town auction, me no bid on magic items, magic weapons, magic scrolls, or anything else magic. Me no want use magic items at all.

Me finish by say this be personal choice for me only and end of long journey up and down mountain of magic. Me experience all joy of new strength and all pain of circle death from it. This no use magic be me choice for make and me understand if you make other choices. Me no attack you with word or weapon for you choice. Me only ask you respect me choice for no more use magic and be natural, true warrior in days, months, and years into future.

-Cho Ko Nu
Master of Weapons
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As far as I know you were never a Defender in the Earth Guild. You were supposed to serve the Earth Guild for a year to avoid being put to death. As far as I can tell, you ran off as soon as this was declared. Did you do anything at all for the Earth Guild in that time? I don't mean to attack you, but you don't get to join the Earth Guild just by advocating necromancy.

And maybe you should keep in mind that potions are magical as well. Why do you think only Earth casters can make them?

Briar of First Forest
Protector of the Earth Guild
Cho Ko Nu,

I am no adept when it comes to the ways of magic, but I believe your argument shows only half of the cycle. It is true that Earth magic has its source in the Earth and that the Earth is a source of Life. By taking some of that magic and using it to restore life, in the form of healing, I believe that you are preserving the balance of nature in that you are taking from the Earth and giving it back in the form of healing to sustain life. Necromancy, on the other hand, draws life from the Earth with the purpose of removing life from others. Overall, it is a negative net balance of life. Going to the extreme, the use of necromancy could kill off all life as we know it.

With Celestial, or Sky, magic, it could be that in the use of it, a person is simply changing the state of the magic. This could be why many races are hesitant to deal with this type of magic as it my not have such a natural connection. Regardless, care must still be taken to preserve the balance using this type of magic. Some casters have observed ill effects when trying to harness some of the more powerful effects of sky magics.

All in all, magic is wielded by intent. Make sure you understand the ramifications and how to properly preserve the balance. This should apply to all things, not just the use of magic.


To completely remove yourself from magic is a not going to be an easy task. For magic is around all of us, and especially as adventurers, we rely on magic to get through the task at hand. Does this mean that no potion, no protective magic, no life spell should ever be used upon you? From my understanding, yes. With that, I thank you for allowing it’s uses to be used on others.

If there is one thing I stress more than any in my teaching of Earth Magic is that the essence of the magic itself is about borrowing the energy of Fortanis and then giving it back. You may not see it, but I see the magical energy of Fortanis all around me. I see it in the dirt, in the air, in the plants and the trees. When I call forth the magic from the Earth I ask Fortanis to give me that little bit of energy from the land itself and then I channel that energy and return it. Every circle of Earthen Magic is about asking for a little more, having the land trust you a little more until you’re able to have Fortanis trust you enough to call forth great reserves of energy for Ritual magics.

Chaos magic simply takes energy from Fortanis and then it is gone. The land corrupts because you’re breaking the cycle of life. Something is born, something grows, something lives, something dies and it is returned to Fortanis to fertilize the next thing that repeats the cycle. Chaos stops that cycle at the end, and never allows it to return to the land.

I can’t say much for Sky Magic, but Earth Magic is all about receiving and giving. Maybe one day you’ll come to acknowledge that again and allow Earth Magic to do it’s natural thing. Nothing natural about Earth Magic? Just because you cannot see it’s natural flow doesn’t make it unnatural.

Druid Asher
I suppose now is good of time as any to say what I have to say about magic. It terms of tribesman, I no like sky magic less than most. Some of you see at last market day I take potion and I feel liquid sky magic lightning in my blood. And true it feel like great big itch on inside of my body and I cant scratch it, I no hate it for this. Sky magic is dangerous yes, but in all forms it is like fire. I do not fear a candle but a wild fire is to be run from. I do not fear a flint and steal unless in hands of madman. Sky magic caster is like fire juggler. They walk a path that may burn them, but I do not hate the fire they wield. I only choose to stay away from it.

In terms of accepting magic from allies. Well, there is lesson I am being taught. One of balance. By accepting protection of enhancement magic,you weaken yourself. You are not as strong as you could've been if you learn to fight without it. By taking magic item it is like crutch. It hold you up better but you become dependent on it. Because of stone around my neck I FEEL the price of help. But that no mean you shouldn't accept help. Only to teach hat help has price and things need be thought of. Not rush in blindly like bull.

You all bring thoughts of value, me want address them.


Yes, you correct. No join Earth Guild by commit crime only. Me join be part of punishment, and me work for guild no be glamorous or in light of those who no look for it. This be intentional by Guild. No want encourage others for do same as me do. But since you ask, me tell. After trial, me sent for hunt down any remaining necromancy in area, and then rest of Gaden. Me can see how this look like me run off again. Me did travel, but was for Earth Guild purpose. While me no find any necromancers, me still need work for that failure and that time me spend look be for Earth Guild, no for me personal goals. That take most of summer and autumn. After necromancy hunt, my return to town now call Horizon for oversee building of Earth Guild structure and protect workers while making Guild house. That be for most of winter and spring. So while me no be in front and public acts for Guild, me still serve Guild for one year, and me title for that time be Defender, because me no able use magic. Me chose still kill anyway as warning for any other who think about use necromancy, that no one get mercy with necromancy. This be final punishment and matter now closed.


If you view be true, then we agree, but no be how magic work. Chaos magic come from Plane of Chaos, Earth magic come from Plane of Earth. There be tales of adventurers that go and be in these planes. Me once went in Plane of Ice. Very bad time! Fortannis no be Plane of Earth, mages no call upon Fortannis, mages call upon Planes. This be what Foss explain and he travel in many Planes, he maybe able describe it better. By take magic out of natural Plane, you disrupt Planes. Sometime this become total Plane imbalance and war between Planes. Sky Magic Guild able tell you more about that. Me only hear stories from others. Magic itself be natural, take out of home Plane for use in Fortannis be unnatural.


Yes, you correct. no protective spells, even Life. If me need Life, me fail as warrior and protector and deserve death for punishment. Like me say to Kadien, Earth magic no borrow from Fortannis, instead it unnatural take from natural Planes. Chaos magic be like poison for all Earth-based things, like Fortannis, that be why so harmful. It like dump poison in town well and poison whole town. Me no be as learned as you in ways of cast Earth magic, but me understand now how all works together. Me need you understand better for potions: Yes they be magic, but be natural form. For potions, no need take from other Planes. Instead, mix natural ingredients together, like Salamander claws, in special way that create magic. This way, no magic taken, it created instead. For this reason, potions be good for use. Me also good for use alchemy healing. It work same way, stir ingredients in pot. Me prefer this method instead of aura spell from hand. Me also pay for any potion use on me, that way still free for use (me know many healer no have many coin).


You understand! You see why no trust Sky Magic because feel imbalance of Planes! Me no able say better, you be wise for words of magic crutch. We speak more of this when next meet, and be brothers in common goal of no need use magic! Me very happy for this!

If any one else have any more things for say, say them and we dream more on this. Me hope you better understand now, just like me better understand.

-Cho Ko Nu
Master of Weapons & Honorable Trader
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Cho Ko Nu,

As I am very poorly skilled in the use of the magical arts, I can only repeat those things that I have been told.

In all soothe, the way in which you are describing how magic has been described to you and how it originates in these "planes" just does not seem natural. The Good Druid Asher, who I would assume understands the way that Earthen magics work, does not describe a "Plane of Chaos" or a "Plane of Earth". He speaks of calling forth energy from the land, from Fortannis itself.

If your description of these "planes" is truly how all magic works and that in calling forth from these planes an imbalance is struck, then I would see all magic as causing negative effects at some point. And then regardless of how that magic is invoked, via spell or potion or scroll, it would be causing further imbalance in one of these planes. At some point, I would think that this imbalance would have some serious consequences.

That is just my opinion. Maybe someone more learned in the ways of Celestial magic could verify if the way you are describing is how that sort of magic works. I believe Asher has weighed in on how Earthen magic works.

-- Kadien
Cho Ko Nu,

Foss may fairly proficient in the celestial arts but he is no master in it. In fact, I've given him several lesson in its arts myself. Let me clear something up for you here: why is it called celestial magic and not planar magic, or even elemental magic? Perhaps because the stars in the sky are actually other planes? No, it is because the celestial bodies in the sky represent the physical manifestation of the elements on our plane. Thus, we study the stars in order to better understand how to interact with the elements in our world. Very rarely do we channel our powers directly from the planes through our bodies and onto this plane, and only with dire consequences. It is my understanding that this was what the tribesmen known as the Forsaken did. Instead, we channel the energy from the physical representations of the elemental planes in our world to manipulate our environment and achieve our magic. You can say that the source of our power is another plane, but in reality we do nothing more than use what nature has gifted us. Much like blacksmiths use heat to forge metals into the weapons and armor you use, we use magic to manipulate the elements of our world. We do not add to this world, nor do we take away. We simply change it's shape.

I know only the basic tenants of earth magic, but the fundamentals are the same: channel the power of the plane through it's medium to effect our world. In the case of earth magic, we take the energy of the earth and shape it into energy for our bodies. Our bodies naturally cycle that energy back into the earth, which in turn provides us with more energy.

I strongly urge anyone who is tempted by this foolishness of denying magic in all its forms to meditate on the nature of our world, and the place that magic has within it. Without magic, our world would simply not function. Even the dream realm, the forum for your debate on the foolishness of magic, is magic

While you are free to believe what you wish, please do not try to lead anyone else down this dangerous path, because it is a dangerous path that will only lead to your permanent death.

Roy Gallentine

Me see what you say, but you misunderstand me. It no matter what you call it, or what it represent, or other symbol of word or name. In me first year of adventuring, me there for start of most recent Plane war. Sky Magic Guild send adventurers for help bring balance when Flame invade Ice Plane. You no able deny that, me there, me see imbalance, me almost die on that Plane. Very bad time. Forsaken do what all other magic user do, they just do it with more power and some forbidden magic like Necromancy. It no be different than that. That be why me against unnatural magic that take from other Planes.

There be difference between natural magic and unnatural magic. If magic come from Fortannis and use in Fortannis and no cause harm, then that magic be natural. That magic be like potions or magic creatures from Fortannis. But that magic also take away from me goal of be strong fighter, magic crutch like Ragnarok say, so that why me want avoid natural magic as much as me can. This be why me avoid both natural and unnatural magic. There be two different reasons.

When magic be unnatural, taken from Planes, that cause imbalance and me hope Kadien also join me and Ragnarok for no more cause unnatural imbalance and instead strengthen as true fighters, with minimal natural magic like potion when absolute need.

All life always lead to permanent death, no able avoid death, and that path be faster for adventurers. We already choose that dangerous path.

-Cho Ko Nu
Cho Ko Nu,

When you have time, I like it very much if you tell me story of the Forsaken. I know of them but I never hear complete story. I.... Left before I could hear them.

*There is a very long pause in the dream*

If you could tell me that would be nice. No one was there to tell me the story when the time was right.

Yes Ragnorak, me tell you when next we meet. It be very important tale for all Tribesman. Me also there for it, so it be tale direct from me own eyes and ears. After final battle, me go live with Petara tribe for many months and learn more about them that way.

-Cho Ko Nu