March 2019 Pre-Reg - Due Friday 3/22/19 11:59 PM

Event: March 29-31, 2019

Pre-Reg Due Friday 3/22/19 11:59 PM

Rules packet: v0.12b
These are pretty much how the rules are going to be for 2.0. If you have been putting off learning the beta stuff, now is a good time to start.

Even though we have the "final" rules packet, NO SKILL PURCHASE OR MAGIC ITEM CONVERSION IS FINAL YET in Denver. You may still have spirit forges for this event and April. Just ask. Other chapters may have different policies if you are traveling. Expect the June event to be the game that "locks you in." I will post more on this at a later date as details are finalized.

All player registration should be done through the Character Management Application (CMA), which is linked below in Steps 2/3. PCs and NPCs - If you sign in to the CMA for the first time and do not see your character (they may be named New Character if all you have done is NPC), we do not have the right/any email address associated with you in our old database. Please email from the email address you are using to sign in, provide your player name, and we can go from there. This applies to NPCs as well. You still get XP towards a character of your choice, so we need to make sure you're set up properly too.

Magic item conversion is a different this month. We would like you to begin trying the official conversion system as posted with the rules packet linked above. Make a copy of the new conversion google sheet (
Each magic item should have 2 tabs, labeled <item number> OLD and <item number> NEW. There's a lot to unpack here for how things work. Ask questions of your team, on facebook, etc. Please provide a link to your copy of the sheet on your prereg where asked.

If people with lots of items want to be awesome this month, make a summary tab as well of your item's per/day effects that should go on your battle board. Not required at all, but saves me a little time while we're all figuring things out still.

Step 1 (PCs): Pay the man -

Step 2 (PC): Set up your character on the CMA ( This includes setting up spell memorization lists, which occurs separate from event registration and is done on the same page that you buy skills.

Step 3 (PC and NPC): Register for the event on the CMA ( In the top right of the CMA there is a link that says 'Events.' Click on this, click on our Denver event, and provide an answer to each comment section provided. Please still reply with n/a (or some variant) if a section does not apply. DO NOT FORGET to assign a spell memorization list to each game day, or logistics will pick one of your existing lists for you.

I do not believe there is a way to edit your registration form comment block, so if you make a mistake you must un-register for the event, re-register, and fill it all out again. To my knowledge, you may do this as many times as you like between now and the deadline.

Reminder: Registering for the event on the CMA does not lock in your build. You may still make changes to your character until I download character cards on 3/23/19. So, register early if you are able.
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