March Event-Site Information


For the March event we will be using a new site, Camp Kiwanilong, which is located in Warrenton, Oregon, bordering Fort Stevens State Park. Warrenton is less 2 hours from Portland and about 3.25 hours from Seattle and Camp Kiwanilong is a large site, with 18 cabins, 2 auxiliary buildings, tavern and a giant covered shelter. Oh, did we mention you can walk to the beach?

Camp Kiwanilong is more rustic than sites we are used to, in that many of the cabins lack heat and/or electricity. Warrenton is a much milder climate than Brooks Memorial, so we do not expect cold temperatures, but given that it is on the Coast, wind and rain are to be expected. Historical temperatures for the first weekend in March averages near 50°. The Tavern and bathrooms both are modern with heat and electricity.
Bunks do not have mattresses provided; please bring a camping pad or mattress. Toilet paper is provided, however paper towels are not, so donations of paper towels for bathrooms, the kitchen and cleanup will be greatly appreciated.

If you do not have one of the heated/wired bunks, you may use a catalytic or Mr. Heater propane heater that has a tip over shutoff. If you use a propane heater, 6 square inches of ventilation must be provided to ensure safe oxygen levels in the cabin. Heaters must be kept away from tapestries; no items should be placed within 24 inches of the heater. The unheated & unwired cabins each sleep 8 people. There will be one cabin with electricity in the IG area, but it has short bunks. We will make an OOG cabin, with electricity, available for people with medical issues that require electricity.

At this site, the following locations, in addition to standard non-combat areas, are no combat zones: All docks, boathouse and suspension bridge. No swimming or boating is permitted, please use judgment and caution around the shores of the lakes.

We understand that this is a little out of the ordinary, but having toured this site recently and having camped at this site during the rainy season, I believe it will be a great location for our event.

Directions to Camp Kiwanilong (Note: Google shows the wrong location for Camp Kiwanilong, is you use Google maps, search for Camp Kiwanilong road):
From Seattle-
From Portland-
Just a reminder to bring a camping pad (and some extra blankets) next weekend. Additionally, the driveway to the site is in the parking lot of a soccer field. There are two soccer fields, the driveway to the camp is in the parking lot of the field on the left, if coming from the south.
We'll be posting a map with instructions on where to park and set up your bunks, but here's a couple more bits of info:

Plot should be on-site somewhere around noon.
We must be cleaned up and off-site by 2pm on Sunday, so we will be callign game off no later than 10am.
Anyway to get a solid yes/no? I need to know what size air mattress I need to get. Sleeping pads kill my back.
what about calling or emailing the camp directly? If they have someone on site, they could measure one of the bunks in the PC cabins.

Ranger Office: 503.861.2933
There is also a Fred Meyers and a Costco nearby site, so if things come up and you find that you need something, you will not be totally screwed.
SkollWolfrun said:
what about calling or emailing the camp directly? If they have someone on site, they could measure one of the bunks in the PC cabins.

They do not have an on site manager. Most camp bunks are between 30-36 inches wide, as mentioned, there is a Fred Meyer just minutes away with a fairly decent camping section.

Also, for people who have a medical need for a cabin with electricity, we will have an OOG building for sleeping in. Please note that this building does not have bunks, it's a classroom building that the camp has given us permission to remove the desks from and use as a sleeping area. I will have a full sized air mattress available for use in this cabin, just let me know if you would like to use it. If you have a medical need for electricity and do not mind sleeping in an OOG area, please send plot an email, so we can plan site usage accordingly. There is one cabin in the IG area with electricity, however the bunks are shorter than standard sized bunks and may not sleep all people comfortably.
Attached is a rough map of the area so that people know where to bunk, where to find us, and where we anticipate running most mods. The "Woodsman" and "Pioneer" cabins are reserved for ig purposes, and the "Trading Post" cabin is reserved for our NPC cooks: Linda and Shannon.

Kitchen appliances information if possible? Does the site have:

- Dishes
- Cutlery
- Cooking utensils
- Pots & Pans
- Microwave
- Oven(s)
- Grill(s)
- Fridge/Freezer(s)

When can we arrive at the site?
Polare said:
Kitchen appliances information if possible? Does the site have:

- Dishes
- Cutlery
- Cooking utensils
- Pots & Pans
- Microwave
- Oven(s)
- Grill(s)
- Fridge/Freezer(s)


They have a commercial grade kitchen, this is Omsi's primary site for their youth programs, so it is on par with Brooks or Millers, though the kitchen is slightly smaller. The fridges/freezers and pantry area are detached and right outside of the kitchen. Serviceware is provided, as are pots and pans, but please do bring a roll of paper towels (or two) for your group. They have 3 outdoor cooking areas, in case you're all manly like and only cook over a fire.

Right now the forecast for Warrenton is near 60° with no rain forecast for Saturday or Sunday, so keep your fingers crossed.