Master of the Hunt for Hire


Colorado Staff
I have long visited your lands as Hunter Davion - I hunt both beast and monster for hire. But I haven't been able to prove my skill until recently, when in the Grey Barony, I lead a hunt (the Master of the Hunt).

Please allow me to explain what being a Master of the Hunt entails. I often hunt for sustenance, to feed my own belly. But while I find it pleasurable, hunting for sport is quite different, especially as a Master of the Hunt. As a Master of the Hunt, my duty is to my superiors (first the nobles, then Thorador). I must educate on proper hunting technique and then execute that technique myself. But as the Master, I already know my skill is proven. My duty is to allow others to exercise theirs. As the master, I will not take a kill for my own, unless hunting has already been plentiful that morning. As a skilled master of the hunt, I wear down the prey and follow its tracks, so that my superiors may have a chance at the kill.

Please allow me the recognition of a skilled Master of the Hunt, for I assisted my superior, Thorador, in bagging a 12 point stag. I did this all without the usual assistance of my hounds or horses! Please consider hiring me for your own sport.

Hunter Davion