May 18th-20th event feedback


I'll start the thread. As a member of plot I am still trying to get my feet wet but was happy to see people pursue personal plot and work together.
The impromptu cooking bacon mod was my high light. The Dodgeball was another enjoyment.
The weather was a let down and hope the next event will be better.

Let us know what you liked or disliked and if there is something we need to improve on.

Jared s
Other than sleeping terribly because of the cold, I had a really great event.
The Pros
-My favorite mods are always the bs ones where I go and decide to do a random thing. So the boating err I mean "ship"ping mod was really fun for me.
-Archer battle. A gentle reminder I should probably make more than ten arrows
-Even though I lost the archer thing, I love the tournament and hope it continues to make its way back to us.
-The Ratmen mod was really good. I think I have gotten into the habit of thinking Job Board mods aren't worth the time because I have been trying to work so big picture lately. The Ratmen mod not only gave me bones, but also let me try and flex my Squire muscles by trying to resolve the issue. But racists can't be fixed.
-I was really appreciative that there was food. I am eternally a mess and never prepare for events. Thank you everyone who fed me this weekend.
-Fae ball was stupid fun for me. It's really stressful being a Squire and a gang leader. It's the little things that count. Sorry I killed the dreams of a small child. That wasn't my intentions. It was not comeback season for her.
-Really I guess I just like when I get to pretend I have any clue of what I am doing, because I also really liked questioning the random tax collectors.
-The bone plot thickens
-I think a get a little mushy in almost every feedback post I write, but it is never any less true. I love you guys. Just all of it. Everyone is so great. I am so thankful I am able to hangout with you guys.
The Meh/ Cons/whatever
-The weather. Everyone else blamed Joe for this so I guess I will too.
-I know we are just trying to switch up the flow with no big town mod, but it kinda makes me sad. I feel like it distances town from one another. I feel like its losing a sense of camaraderie. It's too early to tell obviously. But, I don't know just a thing I worry about.
-I liked the idea of the sign up sheet for mods. I think for the most part it worked well. I did get forgotten once, which is why this is in the meh section. I think for the most part this idea is great and just needs more fleshing out and time.

Overall, like I said, great event. 10/10

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  • Getting out of my minivan at the site Friday evening was an instant relaxation. It was good to be back in Ardic!
  • For me, a player in the situation of having to leave for Sunday morning work nearly every weekend, I liked that there was no official all-town mod I was expected to go on. I realise that's not the same feeling for everyone, but just saying, it was a good thing in my perspective.
  • That said, it would have been fun to have been a PC during the fae ball (which was the closest we got to a "town mod"), but more fun than being a fae referee? Probs not. I enjoy taking at least one NPC shift each weekend even if it ends up being short, and that was just a really good time to do it. I hope everyone had fun because it looked like we all did.
  • It was nice finally being established enough in the town / setting that Grin could actually speak on some things with a decent amount of authority. I don't know if Plot purposely set that up with the fake tax collectors at the beginning, given part of the IGBA response I got, but I was glad I could step in and go "Well actually..."
  • Speaking of, I was able to do the follow-up on my winter IGBAs, but actually most of the weekend for Grin was super unscripted; like, things went in directions that even I never expected it to go. Murderous, depressed, drunk, impulsive, a little dark. Goals and inclinations are being changed up. And for that I want to give props to everyone I roleplayed with, PCs and NPCs alike. I don't think of it as easy to totally change someone's gamestyle or motivations based on scenework, but the combination of revelations, portrayals, and interactions with the Dread Court majorly but naturally changed my character's story. Thank you all for being so awesome!
  • Just in general, that wasn't the only time Plot had to go on-the-fly, and I'm not the only one that ended up going on random unplanned mods. Everyone in monster camp rolled with the punches really well and I have to say thank you NPCs once again. Event is not possible without you.
  • I also cannot tell you just how much I loved that we had to pretend my daughter was there for one of the mods (looking at you Brigit). Her mom also thought it was so awesome when I told her Hal had sort of become Traverse-canon.
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  • Literally nothing. Like, I'm not brown-nosing, I tried really hard to think of "bad" things and I just couldn't. So that's good!
I also don't really have any suggestions for improvement though that could be because my brain is frazzled with work-related things, but at any rate, this was a fantastic season opener and I'm glad we're all back.
Every single moment of this event was gold for me. If I was to list favorites I'd have to write out the event in story book form. From late night talks about the happenings of the land, to emotionally charged interactions with mountain dwarfs to long walks through the dark hellish landscape of Apocalypse. I was immersed, despite the cold and rain and modernism speckled around, I was sold into a living, breathing world of Ardin.

- The sign up sheet
I think this worked well. I don't know that it was utilized to it's full potential, but I think with more attention and time, it could become invaluable.

- Hmmm
I feel like during the game on talk we were asked to give feedback on like four different things and I can't for the life of me figure out what the hell they where.

Great to see everyone and to be reunited with a family that's closer to my heart than I think they'll ever know. See you all next time.
I enjoyed this event. Big thank you and congratulations to plot, npc and staff on a great weekend opener.

I enjoy the ability to just go do stuff. Lot's of plot hooks to follow up on, job board, IBGA stuff and for the first time in Eloria we just walked into the mist looking for adventure. Plot rolled with the surprise, no problems, and had a fun quick mod.

From an in-game information standpoint, I was overwhelmed. The first half of the event had a some glaringly contradictory/ confusing conversations. By the end of the event, I understood why they were confusing, and it was simply Plot dropping hints that something was amiss. 10/10.

Just going to word vomit out some thoughts, good and bad mixed as I think of them.
Shout out to Jared. Packet dodging, Packet sniping, dodgeball etc. Really enjoyed the energy you brought to everything you did.
Trinity during dodge ball. I have not be so soundly PWND in a sporting event in some time. Well done.
Chandler seems to be getting better every event. Hope to keep seeing you around.
I enjoyed Dodgeball, a lot. I feel like you guys were painting Fae in a new light, which I enjoyed and I hope you don't fall back into conventional Fae plot.
Personal plot is always enjoyable. This one feels different to me, and has me asking a bunch of questions which is cool. Direction in the short term, with unknowns in the longterm. Good stuff.
Tournament was cool. I enjoyed the archery (tied for 2nd, woo!) I feel like the golem fight could have used some tweaking. I love that in general the tournament is trying to be equal across all build levels, but the end result of mirror fight was who could cheese it the fastest. When times are coming down to tenths of seconds, it's gonna feel bad to lose with a human holding the stopwatch.
I think I would have enjoyed it more if it was all in-town, more communal (like the spriggan thing). I understand campsite issues and NPC numbers make that difficult/impossible. Just something to think about when we have a real camp again.
Wild Elf mod was fun. Good way to show a little bit more of what is out there in the mists, without it being a 'world ending immediate problem' Here's my vote for Grandma to be a returning NPC.
I liked how much we learned about the Whisperer's motivations and methods. He's becoming both more fleshed out and more obscured somehow.
I liked the Peace talks. It wasn't my 'thing' at the time, but having them open and.... dramatic, peaked my interest in the overal situation.
I loved that I didn't know everything that was going on. Players had their own things going on, without it feeling exclusive. I didn't feel like I was missing out, because I had my own stuff to do.
The Storyteller was pretty cool. A great NPC to bring in for campfire time. Unfortunately, for you, you've set the bar kind of high for story quality. Looking forward to more.
I like the Casan/Arai/Gideon buddy cop feel of larping together. Thank you plot for entertaining three people by themself.
I liked the Tavern tent more then I thought I would. I'm worried about it surviving event to event, without a proper bag or tent stakes.
I can't believe I lost to Brigit/Nice in the 1 v 1. An event that will not be soon forgotten in the household.
I think the dual-mountain mods went well. Great way to get double duty from riddles. Shout out to Trinity and Cierra for the assisst/ packet collection.
Not a big fan of special calls with special rules, but didn't actually see it IG, so I guess it's fine.
I like the new Alliance NPC rule. More NPCs is great, even just more rewards for overworked plot is wonderful.

Loot normalization
I love love love this. Please continue. Makes splitting treasure take so much less time. I feel more willing to go on somebodies thing, or have them come on mine. There is no question of "Is this worth my time/resources/energy?" or "Is this guy just mooching treasue?" Just go and have fun. So good. I'm not sure the headache it casues on the NPC side, but on the PC side it was a lot of upside.

Queue Board
As version one/ trial thing. I felt it was ok. I didn't use it too much, but I like the idea. Maybe needs some more tweaking. One thing that might help is Plot people putting a thing on there. <busy> or whatever. I go into the mists needing Brigit, and see no one on the board ahead of me. Maybe she could put something up their to know that it's a plot thing next up. Whether town mod/peace talk or Lola w/e. Obv. it can't be specific, but something to let the PC's know there is something ahead of their trip to the mists.

We need to solve this. Sure the cold came in unexpectantly, but even before then, the lack of moon was going to make adventuring difficult to do safely.
Can we hang some of those click lights from trees somehow? Just something to add light to the woods without being on the ground, so when you turn the wrong way your night vison is destroyed.
If anyone has the amazon link for those hanging light bulbs with the switch on top, let me know. (we put one in the tavern tent) I think they put out just the right amount of light. I'd like to experiment with them before the next event.

No Saturday Night Fight
This event I certainly didn't miss it. I was looking to do more things during the day, knowing I could adventure when their was light.
Keeping them only for meaningful events sounds pretty cool.

Looking forward to June 29th.

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We need to solve this. Sure the cold came in unexpectantly, but even before then, the lack of moon was going to make adventuring difficult to do safely.
Can we hang some of those click lights from trees somehow? Just something to add light to the woods without being on the ground, so when you turn the wrong way your night vison is destroyed.
If anyone has the amazon link for those hanging light bulbs with the switch on top, let me know. (we put one in the tavern tent) I think they put out just the right amount of light. I'd like to experiment with them before the next event.