May event favorites


Somebody's gotta do it!

This has been my favorite event so far since I switched over to the PC side of things. Lots of good RP, fun mods, tough fights, and great food. I'm just sad the next event is so far off. :| I'm sure I'll end up leaving some stuff out, but here we go:

- Hearing everybody's reactions to Lucretia's lullaby
- Giving Artorias a bit of closure - he's one of my favorite NPC characters and he and Liddia are probably well overdue for a long chat
- Finishing an old plotline that kinda fell by the Wayside, and watching Teague almost take down the PCs basically single-handedly in the process
- We fought a freaking dragon and won!
- Getting a new MI made courtesy of Ilana and Ahlana
- Taking a Destroy Magic to my weapon Saturday afternoon, casting a Spell Parry on it Saturday evening, and using the Spell Parry to get out of a Shatter Spirit Saturday night
- Keeping Nahani alive so he could turn Echidna into a pincushion
- Grimshaw's confession at the door of truth... Yeesh.
- Not being able to think of any meaningful secrets about GRONK and almost getting taken out by the mandragora - I suppose that's one downside to playing a character that usually just blurts things out and says what he means :rolleyes:
- Everything about Petyr Raxis and the Billium mod
- Finding some grey areas when learning about dragon-slaying, and the five awkward minutes where we waited to see if we cleverly solved a puzzle or just murdered a knight...
- Pancakes for breakfast, hot ham and cheese for lunch, and beef stew for dinner! I'm looking forward to whatever the Company puts out next.
- Fighting through the little spiders on Friday night, watching the big one bust out of the trap door, and prematurely ending its reign of terror (12 Paralysis!) with a quick Sleep spell
- Similarly, at the top of the stairs on the wall... "You have one chance, turn around and walk away!" "Disarm, Prison" "Uh, got it"
- Similarly again, watching WereFoss stomp into town after his first transformation and chucking 5 Disarms at him before he could do any real damage

Again, I know I'm forgetting some things, but this event was fantastic. Thanks so much to Ryan, Carly, Nate, and Rob for continuing to put on such a great game!

Edit: and thanks to everybody that NPC'd this weekend! The game wouldn't happen without you guys.
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My favorites as a first-time Alliance player:

-"52 Ice, 52 Ice!!" *I duck into the treeline* "Yeah, no...I choose life."
-Making an undisclosed amount of gold selling trinkets, then hiding from assumed NPC night raids.
-The most intense NPCing I've ever done in any Larp I've been involved in (as a Ternyian soldier).
-Receiving my first Transform effect ever.

-JT, player of Joseph, the traveling merchant.
I had SO much fun this event, i am crashing HARD from the post event letdown.
In no particular order

the dragon slayer training friday night mod. one on one fight was awesome :D and fearing what was going to happen once he resurrected
watching Stahn get TOOLED by big red (have i mentioned Nahani hates stahn? LOL)
watching Neolani cast her ritual, and singing along with her :D
um, HEY, WE KILLED A DRAGON, and i turned her into a pincushion big time with GRONK covering me with protectives, THANKS GRONK!
the orbs mod and the one NPC that just would not take an arrow for nothing, and while firing at him watching him hit a packet that cleared the PC populous.
RP with Foss and Ser MountainTusk about the potential squireship
watching the weres not foss come at us only to get stopped by neolani....3 times
NPC shack shenanigans during a break :)
Enan RP after we got back from the orbs mod. Nahani was SO PISSED
the RP with me, neolani, and the alpha were. Nahani is honestly terrified of him after that RP ::shivers::
accidentually dropping PC on sunday morning mod, then going nuts trying to get her back up. you gotta hate friendly fire
celebrating the victory with my special wine with Thaddeus and others. good times :D
the tower. 5 of those floors are absolutely terrifying for Nahani (lousy lightning) but it was a really fun time

i am sure there is more, but now back to study focus
Again to those who didn't know, Thank you guys for what will most likely be the only event I will for sure be at(I am headded off to college and start classes the monday before the august event). It was great and a perfect way to keep myself from overstressing from school, and to see you all. So in no particualar order, though I wish I had gone and done more things All the great of the event(well at least for me).

-Muderfacing redcaps. We did try to warn them about ka'zik going to eat them if they did't leave
-repeated yelps of surprise from cyn at the prides sudden apperance near her
-Dealing with the water elemental near old hearth
-Finally being offically made an Apprentice of the guardians of the light, and under Baron Davis no less.(took so long but I am glad I found out saturday night)
-Another great RP with Grimshaw over his were bite(though it wasn't as long a yelling time)
-With said anger, nahani literally wraping an arm around my neck trying to pull me back from yelling in his face(Also NP about it on sean. I don't mind, it made the whole thing that much more real)
-Cyn asking me what I was drinking when I had a root beer in hand.(Sersiously though cyn, Kat made a promise to you and she will fulfill it.)
-conversation with Tarque about a wolfkin(Sorry I could be of more help but if you every want me to talk with her I will. Don't mind new friends)
-Ember, the numerous conversations and the fact that when I took a walk you came down to check on me(Thank you. and any time you need questions answered please feel free to seek me out either here or in person)
-Binradi and the waystone tale
-talking with reggy( I don't know if i, well beside lu who went with me, was the only candidate that went to talk to him)
-Dragon and near miss of a shatter spirt(Seriously nahani dodged and it landed a fourth of an inch from my toe, and I had bad feeling about hitting the circle this market. :sigh: narrow miss)
-Early morning water elementals
-Wall seige
-Chancellor, was great to see you again
-terianas "theres a dragon!"runs past everone. 'bye bye' says all the adventurers
-Though not an ingame moment really, but falling off the air mattress I was sharing with dave saturday night when he got up for a bit. I was mentaly awake enough to moan but not accually move before i hit the ground.
-getting to use my Banana again sunday morning to collect sap, that sword is fun but not a constant use, it is such a pain to weld for long periods
-Learning more earth levels from eve, though I still am not powerful enough to get to that point, i now know how they work which means not needing to learn later
- Binradi and tiaos, oh my gosh i though just radi was annoying (though you are both great guys but still oh my)
-Backlash on contact other plane scroll "500 elemantal stone" everyone procedes to topple and foss luckly escaped it to bring us all back up
-Peter, and the flying thing
-Group split for freeing teria. Sorry about that ryan; myself, lu and bart had gone inter conected so when you grabed him you grabed us both. (For exact lu was arm and arm with bart and I was clinging to her shirt because I really didn't want to go do dragon.) Also we got a good group of heavies.
-Did I mention the fricken dragon and that we won.
-Lu and my converstions with her
-Thaddus and going into the dream for that horn(if I am at market and you are taking a group thad, make sure i am with. we work well together and bring a good spread of experience and skills to the table when together)
-Playing Pass the strike with a group friday night
-The duchess sneaking in to watch the auction and being seriously consered when those who got were bit droped(mainly sir siril though)
-Having to settle my own consense about using the azure keep slayer on the terians. Not something kat enjoyed doing, because that is not the reason she wanted the blade it was to not use it for that purpose.
-talking a little to lu and Sir siril about the thing with me and my opion on other planes

Well thats all I could think of but it was great. Thank all npcs and pcs for the great weekend. Also my apologies to illana(or was it allana dont remember just knew she was a dryad), I will remember you are on the no hug list with zima and will keep a respectful space.Again thanks guys. It is always great to go play for a weekend and not have any worries.
Billium Mod. hands down the most fun I have had at a Larp to date.
Vexx, Kael, and Sam practicing the dance for said Mod.
Ritual to protect the were-candidates spirit. Being interrupted by Bluewater's ritual Holds. and grateful that when it inevitably back lashed, we didn't summon anything into the circle as we were all disarmed.
Singing at the Door in the Billium Mod "And we finish with Bobo's line....Rar raa orr raa!"
rolling downed NPC's off the "wall" as I marched back to join the group.
Being a Were-Hawk, with an insane amount of Dodges and Evades. I love watching NPC faces when I can shrug off repeated slays and eviscerates.
Tarqaq question "How many of those to you got?" Me: "LOTS"
RP with Kat after getting bit.
Dissipating and rezzing for the first time for free.
Aramis' statement about the fact I seem to be the only member of the Wild Rose Adventuring and Trading Company who shows up.
Announcing to Sam the Arrival of his "Girlfriend's Father". His response "Oh F$%K!" Me: "is that what you want me to tell him?"
the conversation with the NPC (sorry I never get your name) during the Dragon fight HOLD in the dark, and the silly comments we made.
Said NPC during the Billium mod as the Blue plant creature who could SOME HOW arc the dang packets mid flight to always hit me.
Speaking of which the NPC I was playing Bolt pack baseball with while trying to Hit the Necromancer behind him and simultaneously get him to step off the wall.
Marching straight up on Teague's NPC during the dragon fight and EVADING every 15 arrow he tossed until I got into blade range and he says "NOPE, gotta go"
Reminiscing with Teague about my first Alliance event and the first Mod I ever did with Teague
The weather.
Betting with Vexx(and losing) on the duel between Iggy and Keeper.
Packet clean up Sunday morning

Thanks again to Plot and all the NPC's you guys don't know how relaxing this game is for me.
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Thanks everyone for coming out for the event! Big thanks to all our NPCs, and to Daphne, Mark and Chris for hopping fence for so much of the event.

--Favorite moment: after the barrier to the palace went down, hearing the Warhorn go off and watching my last three Ternians abandon me, leaving poor Lucretia standing there all by herself... She just wanted you to hang out in her Empire and party with her 200,000 closest friends, you guys!
--The rescue Koshinari mod. "These cushions are so comfortable. Try the cheese plate Lucretia sent!"
--The ending of the Warhorn dream mod when I found Thaddeus standing still with his face an inch away from the wall outside monster camp. "Are we done? Can I turn around now?"
--Tar monster fishbowl somehow turning into massive legal trouble for an otherwise upstanding potion merchant
--Negotiations with the Voidwalker, seeing Foss's facepalm of "I'm going to regret this" when I made him sign a contract all official-like
--Watching Foss and his *$%# spirit bottle eating something ridiculous like 11 Shatter Spirits and 2 Oblits... That plus the six thrown at Taios, and missing with *every single packet.* :p
--Elle's epic dodge off the Wall from a spellstrike, flipping me the double bird before she splattered on the ground below
--Pyro vs. Echidna rift duel
--'Alleged' vampire just looking for her grandmother got assaulted by those reckless adventurers! Luckily no one felt like sprinting after me into the dark woods... If only GRONK had been there like last time :p
--HoG and Gnot charging for the last orbs on the Wall was badass! There I was casually strolling after the retreating PCs, thinking they had left with only 11 orbs shattered--"Leaving already? But you only just got here."--Turn around, see them gunning for the orbs--CRAP!--Start running all the way back 100 feet just in time to watch them smash the last one and jump off the Wall. Double crap. Chase them 100 feet back to the stairs, my last 3 Ternians freaking out and running away from the dragon because the Bliss was broken. :)
--Pyro carrying his friend Echidna, gets distracted for a second. Zima tears out my heart and eats it. Pyro turns back to notice the sudden appearance of a gaping chest wound: "Whaaa, what the heck happened"
--Foss as a (kind of adorable) snapping turtle
--Cyn running to Fairfax Keep to find Foss and tell him she had a conversation with the bad guy again... "Cyn, what did I just say last night" -- "Uh... We don't Life stupid?" [Foss facepalm count = 7]

Can't wait for the August event.
Hey, I'm finally putting up a faves post!

Neo getting all made up and pretty Friday night in anticipation of Grandmaster Healsalot's (cannot seem to remember that guy's name to save my life) appearance to give me the good news about whether I am the new Circle Master or not.
Reapplying my formal makeup Saturday because Grandmaster healsalot never came Friday.
Getting a full night's sleep on Friday.
The town treating me like I'm already the Circle master.
Having the honor of being the one to be woken up pre dawn to help with a ressurection.
Being told I was a damn good healer because of my prompt response after being woken up early.
LARP dreams at a LARP lol
OMG look at all the shinies!!! I spent enough on cool stuff at the vendors tent.
Enan: wanna go to the tower? Neo: No.
I ended up going because someone had to keep them alive.
Trying to decide whether to go dance in front of a door=fun, or going to the tower=stupid.
Being pleasantly surprised that things didn't go to hell in a hand basket in the tower.
Dodging a shatter spirit
Awkwardly casting my first ritual by singing badly a couple stupid songs.
Back lashing my first ritual and taking death from healing for the rest of the event (oops).
Being ground triage during the orb battle.
Trying to avoid the lion and lioness sar.
The pride coming to save me from getting dragged off during the orb fight.
Having to calm Nahani down and walk him out of town after Enan Bluewater's outburst after the orb battle.
Beef stew!
Stopping the weres as they rolled into town, confine confine confine haha.
Trying to stop were Foss and getting my confine sent back to me, spell shielding that and sucking up 40 points of damage. OUCH!!!!
Discussing matters with the First Were and finding common ground in that we both love our children very much.
Hoping I don't get bitten later because he likes me.......
I broke the law by casting a ritual? Oops.
Hey Sir Foss I cast a ritual. Foss: I don't care.
Sitting in triage circle wishing I could join the action but knowing I would just be a burden with my "condition".
Getting another long stretch of restful sleep.
Actually making it to afters for once and awesome conversation between Eldanderil, Lydia, Bart and I.
Thanks for the wonderfull drama and fun filled weekend. My bored brain thanks you.
Thank you NPC's and plot for a wonderful event.
-Finally making my Philosophers Stone and only blowing myself up a little bit.
-Cleaning out the good Doc's workshop
-Spiders. Then spiders part two because *#$@% Spiders... Yes they REALLY are that bad.
-Getting a wonderful resurrection from Marsters and Vexx.
Here are some of my favorites from the event!

-The Waystone Tale
-Sleeping at the Waystone
-Petyr & The CSS
-Mom, Brother, and Sis
-Other stupid nonsense with Illana
-The Chancellor
-Big open fight for murderating Echidna
-RP with Foss about Stahn
-RP with Illana and Cyn about Stahn
-Stahn <3

I had a great event! Thank you everyone for a wonderful time. Hopefully I see some of you getting your LARP fix at SoMIs opener (May 27-29)!
-Affectionately scaring Cyn & her kids throughout the weekend
-watching Foss & Binradi argue about Stahn (Stan! Lol)
-dodging a soul shatter and almost falling off the wall, and Haraka grabbing my shirt to pull me back on
-killing stray NPCs in the woods during the Saturday night dragon mod
-making friends with Leafy Greens!
-having to make myself not sing along to Disney tunes though I very much OOG wanted to
-getting to meet such awesome folks Friday night OOG
-the NPCs that put up with us teaching Stethi how to first aid, and with Zima chopping them to chunky bits
-Zima demanding and then eating the red dragon's heart
-whomever came up with that horse magic item, you are my favorite person! And seeing Shikaar & Stethi roleplay with it of course

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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There were a few gems, but a couple of my favorites were:
-Sparing with Sean as I ate a dinner role.
-Charming Tarque, telling him to come here, protecting him from my guards, only to push him off the wall a moment later.
-Coming into town as a Knights guard and getting to talk to the squire candidates a little.

Continually interacting with the Pride (as well as running into them in the dark) was /terrifying/ and amazing. :)
So many good moments this event that it's difficult to remember everyting. Thanks Kenny, Carrie, Teague, Emma, Brad and Mark/Chris/Daphne for NPCing.

- Dragon Slayer Trials. Making this big speech about never trusting dragons, always seek tactical advantage and then challenging PCs to 1 on 1 combat. It only took 1 try before they jumped Morgan, then debated if they solved it or not until I dissipated.
- Billium Finale. Not a single thing I didn't love. From the door dance, to the ways to solve the puzzles, to the door song and discovery of it being the Lair of Pyrothraxis.
- During said mod. PCs had to state a truth to pass through the door:
* Grimshaw says something. Everyone goes silent at how deep it was. Ignathis says something. Everyone laughs. "Iggy, buddy, we got to talk!"-Sam.
* Guys...these lyrics fit perfectly to Frosty the Snowman!-Sam
- Stahn almost taking down half of Echidna's Body with the staff alone...but then he died. Way to help out poor Stahn guys!
- Hearing about the RP Stahn's letter provided. Glad a few folks got to read it IG/OOG and answer some questions.
- Echidna Mod Phase 2. I loved the reaction PCs had to the mid-rift interception by Echidna. Carly hid so well in the shadows. "52 Flame!" then the various Rift Battles between Pyro and her.
- Zima, heart thief!
- PCs leaving the Billium Mod via rift...then forgetting they left Billium at the entrance. Late night RP of him apologizing for 9 resurrections and the PC reactions to "oh ****, we left Billium".
- Ritual Woes. "For F**K sakes Radi!"-Petyr after about every delay possible to get a Rit cast.
- Ilana Ritual Backlash. Go Double 0!
- Sybil McNulty talks, she so frail.
- Zima agreeing to stay while Kaz and Cyn talked. Then seeing her still there as Annette and I walked back OOG.
- The Borrower Sword.
- Watching the entire auction IG as Kaz'ik at the fire pit, and only the last 10 minutes a PC noticed and came over to talk.

See you guys in August!
Another wonderful event! Second time out, officially hooked. I expect you'll see a fair amount of me in the years to come (barring 1 day events... drive's a little harsh from down here in St. Louis.) Can't wait to come back in August!

-Billium mod. Everything about it. Helping folks rehearse and then praying that the dance went off without a hitch. The mandragora mechanics were phenomenal. Willingly throwing myself into a big pit... twice. Someone commanding one of the mandragoras to just poke one of the other PC's continually. Frosty the Snowman, with bear noises. Our long and very amusing chat with -Definitely not a dragon- Petyr. I hope one day I will be able to unlock the power of my sword!
-The Merchant's Meeting. No one seemed to question when I came along, despite having absolutely nothing to do with any mercantile group involved. It was very amusing though. Poor Sir Siril, he was so angry, and all Lady McNulty wanted was to give out nice refreshments!
-Gathering up several of the younger adventurers to go in search of bandits. I have suspicion that if we hadn't had Bart and Nicolai babysitting us, that one guy wouldn't have been slinging Death. Or maybe he would have and I should be grateful. Either way, fun times.
-The Wall fight, throwing people off of walls after sleeping them. Sorry ternian brothers, know you died serving well!
-The Void-touched trapped behind a wall of force, sipping tea when no one was looking.
-Travelling to Ternia via Pyrothraxis, I can show you the wooooooooooooooooorld.
-Echidna battle, staying way in the back and continually almost solo-fighting a hammer wielder and a quick little goblin. Cursing the hammer wielder with weakness to hear him crying "1 massive" as he and I duked it out while both laughing hysterically, and the goblin complimenting me on taking her down while only swinging only 2 normal.
-Walking up to a guy and healing artsing him to see how many health he was down, and hearing him say "100", and me just walking away while laughing, then watching the same thing happen two more times over the course of the fight.
-Leaving the dragon fight early with Fallingstar & Co., only to find that not only was the emperor not at home, but that he was already on his way to Wayside.
-Meeting the emperor, and having him tell me he'll remember my name always! Long Live the Emperor!
This was such a fun event, totally worth the 8 hour drive! My favorites I can remember:

- All the RP from the Stahn letter
- Banradi and Ilana should not be allowed within 5 feet of each other, like for reals
- "I haven't heard such a satisfying chorus of screams in a long time" ( I am so sorry if we woke anyone up)
- Leafy Greens
- "This [D10] has been good to me today." Then rolling a double zero with said D10. Thanks Dave. :p
- Snap crackle Foss
- Dueling ritual holds