May Favorites


Hey folks, First off a big thanks to everyone who submitted PELs we very much appreciate the feedback! We are very closer to 100% responses which would be amazing.

But now it's time for the sharing of favorites, these can be moments that stuck out in your mind, short or long interactions with npcs, or fights you just thought went really well!. I'll be posting my favorites in a few days because I don't want to influence folks to much on the favorites list and like to get it fresh off your memories!
Absolutely everything unvolving Sylvarus (or whatever the fox wylderkin's name was. Both hid chatacter and his mod were abspkutrly the most memorable of the trip!

But id be remiss if i didnt shout out the dancing creeping moss played by bee. I danced my heart out on that battlefield and my pwrtber and i were cackling for about 30 minutes on the ride home reliving it.