Me could use an Arcane Armor to Borrow


Alliance Rules
Chicago Staff
Hey there Gaden friends.

Me is headed down to Wayside and could use some Arcane Armor if anyone has some laying around. Me had chain mail but it was only out on loan and me had t give it back. Arcane is nicer anyway. So if ya got a spare laying around that me could use that'd be super nice. The bigger the better, preferably da biggest kind. Me would be willing to give gold for da use of the Armor and its safe return but if da Armor gets blown up or stolen or sumthin bad like dat me would of course replace it at full cost in addition to whatever ya wanted for just renting it.

Waysides magics are pretty relaxed and me isn't bringing anything tied to other lands so if you got one that ya would like ta loan me but its magic is super tied to Gaden, dont worry!


I have an Arcane Armor you can rent for the gathering in Wayside.

~ Gandian