Me need many arrows and longbows


Me come out of hiding for answer King Talon's call for battle, but me stock of arrows and bows be very low.

Me need as many arrows as can make and five long bows.

Me spirit be weak as possible from battle with Shade- If me fall in battle, me no get back up.

Me plan be stay behind shields and shoot down enemies.

Meet me on front line and we make good trade.

-Cho Ko Nu
Rank of Cho Ko Nu in Broker's Guild of Gaden
Cho Ko Nu,
I can make quite a few arrows, but it won't be cheap. I'll have to buy from suppliers farther out of the way to get enough. Message me privately for exact prices.


I have 160 bolts and a heavy crossbow if you are interested in those.


We no meet yet, but maybe me reputation fade over time. Me be long time member of Brokers Guild, so gold be no worry, bring all you have, me make you pocket heavy.

Also still need Long Bows.


Yes, as backup me interested, but me prefer long bow for blocks.

We make good trade,

-Cho Ko Nu
Cho Ko Nu,

I check our stores for you ol' frien'.

Cho Ko Nu,

Would you prefer to have a strengthened long bow, or did you actually need five long bows?

May the fires of your forge glow brightly,

~Bromatheon "Brom" Ironbeard
Side note - You are not currently wanted by the crown so you have nothing to fear from me.

Brom Ironbeard,

If me have many weak bows and one break, me can replace easy. If me have only one strong bow but it break, it leave me with nothing. So me prefer many bows. Me already make good trade for them, but still need more arrows. Me forge burn bright. We make good trade.

Guardsman Fern,

Me be almost complete crime free since last we meet. Losing head one time be enough. Me be total legitimate trader now in honorable Brokers Guild! Me give over 100 gold profit from gamble for good of town and adventurers.

Me still need maybe 200 more arrows for first night. We make good trade.

-Cho Ko Nu
I can make double to fill quiver if this work. 2 silver is all I'd ask

Bruisey Foemangler