Me come out of hiding for answer King Talon's call for battle, but me stock of arrows and bows be very low.
Me need as many arrows as can make and five long bows.
Me spirit be weak as possible from battle with Shade- If me fall in battle, me no get back up.
Me plan be stay behind shields and shoot down enemies.
Meet me on front line and we make good trade.
-Cho Ko Nu
Rank of Cho Ko Nu in Broker's Guild of Gaden
Me come out of hiding for answer King Talon's call for battle, but me stock of arrows and bows be very low.
Me need as many arrows as can make and five long bows.
Me spirit be weak as possible from battle with Shade- If me fall in battle, me no get back up.
Me plan be stay behind shields and shoot down enemies.
Meet me on front line and we make good trade.
-Cho Ko Nu
Rank of Cho Ko Nu in Broker's Guild of Gaden