Module: Sunday 7/28, 1pm


I have requested from Oregon plot (and been approved for) a custom module this coming Sunday, 7/27. Polare needs a break from the Valley of Ghosts (and testing to see if mist walking still works from there), so he's heading to Portos where he hears there's an arena to challenge other people and beasties in! Join me in Portos to take a crack in the arena - or just bet on other people in it!

To make it work we need at least 10 people to attend (including both NPCs and PCs). Sean has graciously OK'd the module taking over from the weapons practice previously scheduled. We will start at 1pm and go until Plot says we're done. Note that modules are generally substantially shorter than full game days, so my expectation is that we will probably be going from 1pm to no later than 3 or 4 (but that depends on Plot and how many people show up!). Please note here if you can make it. I'll also be crossposting this to the FB group.

This will take place at Mt. Tabor Park just like the weapons practice would have.

Re: Module: Sunday 7/27, 1pm

Keep in mind: this is a custom module; think of it as a custom lair card. I suspect things to last about an hour, more if PC's want to get in on some fights/betting/RP.

This is also an opportunity to cast rituals that you may need/want cast in OR before Seattle's four-day.

For character cards: If you want to PC, bring $5.00 and your most recent character card - we won't be providing new ones.

If you don't have a character card, we welcome you to NPC for us at no cost to you.

If you choose to NPC, you will be awarded with 15 gobbies, guild will be awarded with 30 gobbies.

I will have a sign in sheet for attendance, gobbie awards, and pay tracking.
I think I'll pass on this one, having had a bunch of traveling recently. Especially since Virid is currently Kill on Sight in Portos.
Aw, but being Kill on Sight just makes it more fun!