My disappearing act...


Colorado Staff
Greetings my fellow adventurers. I departed quite abruptly as I'm sure a lot of you noticed. The last you probably saw of me, I was next to you in the caverns. If you missed it, the corrupt channeled the weave to race changed and targeted an adventurer in front of me, they moved out of the way and the aura struck my knee. You probably guessed that I had a magical item that would speed me out of the way as if I dodged it, as is prudent, but I did not use it. That was because there are other circumstances at stake.

As you may remember, I became infected with lycanthropy in the seat of the mist, which was that large castle. Unlike the lands of Wayside, where people like Enan Bluewater have decided to remain a lycanthrope because it can be controlled, in Gaden it only leads to madness and death. Because of my infection in Wayside, I have already suffered an echo of what it'd be like to be a Were in these lands. It must be cured. However, all attempts to cure me have failed. Even my spirit reforming has failed to cure me. I let myself get race changed in hopes that if our best formal casters could not cure me, then maybe the corrupt would inadvertently do so. After being race changed, I departed to attend urgent business. I have not had my spirit identified again, but there's slim hope that I am cured.

Hunter Davion

(OOG, I had to continue moving out of my home and only waited until a marshal was available to tell me about the race change before leaving, I actually had hoped to leave much earlier, but as most you know everything was running about 3-4 hours behind typically planned events).
Davion, I'm glad to hear that you're doing well enough.

Shortly after your vanishing act on the battlefield, I quickly gathered up your things, and shortly afterwards used up what healing I had left for the day. Unfortunately I hadn't brought my stocks of curative potions, and had to start using yours. I believe the total number used were 8 potions/ elixirs all labeled Cure Light. If you want compensation, I can repay you in either gold or replace what I had used out of my own stock of curatives.

I also hope for your spirit to be mended, and to see you again soon.

~Healer Icey
Thank you very much for gathering my stuff. The potions were not all cure lights...
There were about 4 purifies and 4 cure critical wounds. The rest were cure light elixirs. It's fine that you used them though, I hope it helped!
Hunter Davion