My Heartfelt Zhanks

I vould like to offer my grattitude to zhe gypsy caravan who helped zhe adventurers of Hope's Reach last veekend. Not only did zhey offer zheir entertainment freely, zhey also gave us many clues about zhe ancient being's door and put zheir lives and spirits on zhe line to help us locate zhe keys and zhe door itself, asking nuzhing in return. Such honor and courage vill not be forgotten by me. Zhank you cousins.

Roy Gallentine
I too vould also like to thank Rodofu and his caravan for all zhe service zhey have provided for us! I would also vish to give thanks to our most gracious host, Baron Grey and Baroness Grey.

It vas great meeting so many of you zhis past market day. I do not know when next I vill be in Gaden for currently I plan to do some...sailing.

Until next time,

A simple...sailor,