National Event: In Dreams- (Continued)

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As you sleep, you dream deeply. The Blind Beggar returns, and has gathered the same group, yourself included, to sit beneath the great tree. The Beggar's gender is not a defined memory for you, but you do remember a brown robe, a staff, and red wrapping to cover their eyes. As you look around, you spot many others, but adults this time. Some are complete strangers, others are your friends both alive and dead. In this moment they are alive again, and grown.

The Blind Beggar is playing with a wooden coin, rolling it between their fingers. There are sigils on either side, but are not able to be made out. The Storyteller holds up one side of the coin, though you cannot remember the symbol.

They speak,

"I am a Hero, and this is my Legend."

Multiple heroes, both alive and dead from your memory appear on the left side of the Blind Beggar.

Without missing a beat, the Beggar turns the coin, revealing another symbol on the backside of the coin. Once again, upon awakening, you cannot remember what the symbol looked like; only that it was different from the front.

From that turn, multiple villains both alive and dead appear on the Beggar's right side.

The Beggar speaks again,

"I am a Villain, and this is my Legacy."

As the Beggar closes their hand upon the coin, all other figures vanish, and you are left alone at the tree with the Beggar. In the last moments before you wake, these are the words that are spoken to you, as the Beggar drops the coin into your hand.

"Tell me, Child. What will Fortannis make of you? Or should I say; what will you make of Fortannis, when Silence comes?"
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