Johan (Studded leather clad warrior and blacksmith) - Exploring the map, I thought the whole concept with the scouts and missions was really cool.
Castlelot (former pirate, now halberd wielding warrior)- Going on tons of mods. My favorite moment was 'taking the initiative', with a little encouragement, and preemptively dispatching a ratman during our encounter.
Kennedy (Diminutive but mischievous hobbling alchemist) - The page's mod was really cool. We were in this cave, and had to challenge the monsters to contests. We did a staring contest, push-ups, jumping, sit-ups, and I did a dance-off. The passwords we got afterwards were really funny.
Templeton (Greying templar with button shield)- Epic event! Here are a few of my favorites-
The map/scout mechanic was very cool, and a great way to organize such a large event.
Thursday's cave mod. Crawling through caverns with hallucinatory mushrooms, I'm still sure the answer to the riddle was 12
Loved jumping chasms with the group roped up, and then seeing Dave shine in his duel with one of the guardians.
The empathy initially felt for the ratmen, they were just like the street urchins Templeton grew up with and later cared for, and the dismay when our encounter went South and violence erupted. Its always good fun when things don't go quite right.
The Fae party was awesome. It felt exactly as a Fae party should, with levity and danger in every discussion. "Five touches, you win grand prize, five touches I win, you lose hand." I'll learn from a red cap any night
And while the most beautiful of Fae were unable to get Templeton out of his armor (he is a bashful sort), the hunt certainly did it! I really enjoyed that, and even more props to the shenanigans pulled by some of the hunters. Exactly what should be expected of pirates
Just kuddos to everyone who played a Fae at the party, my favorite rping of the weekend.
The page content Saturday was awesome. Thank you to Candace, Jenn, and everyone who put that together and led our little ones around while we were off gallivanting. The kiddos had an amazing time, and the 3 I know can't stop talking about it and planning for next time. Plus they buy the cutest stuff with their gold.
The blue/orange cards, thank you Trace and everyone else who contributed to those, especially the orphan cache, my personal favorite.
Listening from outside the dragon-mage's castle to the epic battle within. It was just cool to hear 'By my voice, destruction' and other heavy's being thrown around.
The sadness felt upon hearing the shard would be destroyed, and then the joy when we saved it for the Dryads.
Spending time with Thorgrim and Cinder in the kitchen, serving and washing. You guys are awesome in so many ways, not least of which is the cooking!
Saturday night fight was awesome. I was given both the gifts of death and life during that one. Super scary outsiders!
Lastly, this is my 3rd event, and in a way my favorite so far. Now knowing a few folks, I felt at home in the game. It is just so much fun having people know who you are and call you by name! Templeton and Bladrym's friendship is my bedrock, and many a time I would be lost without him. Hero Toadstone, always a favorite to shoulder up with. Also, my time with everyone in Warchester was a source for great fun, and made this gather special for me.
Again, thanks to everyone in plot/NPC camp who made this happen. The time, talents, love, and energy is amazing. Thanks for making a special place for me and my kids to make-believe in.