Need a Component? I might have it


I have found that components tend to travel better than coin, although they are sometimes needed in small number to finish out a project. So I am offering what components I have for sale at slightly inflated prices. Why inflated? Main because I pick them up during loot splits at market rate and I'm too lazy to sell to break even. If you need just a few specific components I'll be glad to help. I will also trade one of my fresh components for another that is at least similarly fresh for a modest 1 silver per component fee.

Components on hand. Each costs 2 Gold and 2 silver pieces, all travel easily of course.

Pyrotis - 5
Penna - 3
Fangtooth - 7
Jetsam - 4
Truesilver - 3
Heartstone - 5
Feyander - 1
Nightshade - 2
Cariousus - 1
