Need a favor from someone coming early from Seattle


Is anyone coming down early from Seattle for the event on Friday the 26th? I have a package I will need picked up in Tacoma on Friday during the day (not too far off the freeway) which is time-sensitive and have no way to get up there before the event weekend. If you are willing to pick it up and bring it to me at the event I will happily throw in some gas money for you.

Specifically, it's a picture about 2' x 3' or so on a hard surface. I will be asking the painter to wrap it up. It shouldn't take too much space.

Please let me know if you are able to help me out in this.

Hey Bryan -- how time sensitive? When is it ready by and when is it need to be gone?

It should be ready before Friday, and will probably need to be picked up before say 5 or 6 PM on Friday (I need to contact the person making it and see when they could meet for a pickup but that's what I expect to hear).

Gabe - you know what this picture is for, even :D

Heh. Well if the picture is for that, will be on my way south and will be happy to do the errand for you. I aim to leave in the morning to be in Astoria by early afternoon.
