Needs, information and other stuff!


Hello Friends!

I miss you all very much, as the weather gets warmer I am excited to be with you all again soon! I have a series of questions and stuff

What are all the known isles? Are there any isles of dreams which we know of?
I would like to get a copper sword made, are there any blacksmiths that anyone knows of that could do this for me? I am pretty sure I could supply the amount of copper required
What kinds of dragons are there? I know bleak was an ice dragon, could there be fire or stone dragons?
Is there a way to make someone remember stuff? Like stone elves or biata? A spell?
Dragons usually have a horde right?
Do dragons change form? Like could a dragon become a block of cheese?

Also this year it is my plan to figure out cordoka. She is the mists, it would make sense to know in depth about her instead of vague knowledge. Anyone who she hasn't decided she hates can help me. But at this point I may end up making her mad myself. Just too much we don't know.
I agree on figuring out cordoka. She was pretty hard on us when I was there.
And if a dragon could turn into cheese, who's to say it couldn't turn into a sword and ambush you in your sleep.
I am now going to sleep with my dagger in a second room

Sent from my XT1609 using Tapatalk
Note to self, do not accept random swords
I'm not sure who Cordoka is, but if you're looking to get information on her, I'll be around at the first event.
We could Vision her which should give you some insight without confronting/questioning her.

Vision is a celestial ritual that takes 5 minutes to cast, after some set-up. Best to be done early in a gathering when it is easier to align the elements properly.
I can acquire a scroll, or I can tell you how to get one yourself.

Let me know,
