New Player Discounts and Benefits


If you are a new Alliance Player (not just new to Alliance Raleigh) defined as having played no more than a single game. Alliance Raleigh would like to offer you the following benefits if you chose to start your Alliance Journey with us!

1.) First game 50% off, whether you NPC or PC
2.) 50% off your next Raleigh game that you PC whether that's the next event, or an event 3 years from now!
3.) 150 Goblin Stamp Welcome granted when you attend your first event. (Goblin stamps are rewards for volunteering/donating to the chapter and can be used for many things!)
4.) A boon for your first two pc events (These are minor boosts that only last a weekend) Staff can assist you in picking a boon that compliments your character.
5.) Personal staff assistance in building your character/answering your questions. (Okay everyone gets this, but it's a good deal!)
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