New Player

J.D. Snow

Hello, My name is Joseph and I am a senior in highschool. Recently the idea of LARP has got me quite interested. I was hoping I could get some information about the Chicago Alliance chapter. Just simple things like the requirements and rules for playing and also where I could get started and signed up. Any info really helps. Thank you. I am very excited to be a hopeful future member of Alliance.
Hey Joe, go ahead and email with questions. We have an event this weekend which has information on these boards. Also the rules for the game system are found as a free pdf on the main website.

Hope to see you around your local neighborhood Vicki
I'm still fairly new to LARP myself, I've been a NPC most of the season and it has helped allot, between learning rules and what character class and race that I would like to play when I finally do create my first PC.