New plot member


We'd like to extend a hearty welcome to Joe Hundley (screenname Druk) for joining your friendly neighborhood plot team. Joe's moving up (or down, depending on your poiunt-of-view, I suppose) from the ranks of our NPC Guild to help with the writing and planning of your favorite Oregon plot lines. I hope you'll all join me in saying "Suuuuuckerrrr!". :D
Sucker! Oh wait...
Yay! Welcome to what I'm told is a lot of stress and sleepless nights!! :D I look forward to putting my life in your hands! ;)
Congrats Joe.
Thank you all, I promise not to let the power go to my head, not for at least 2 games.

And Chas, you already had to obey me, the only difference now is I can beat you down IG and OOG for failure to obey me.
Yay, Joe! I'll remember your promise about power...
Congrats Joe!