New to the idea, from Portland



My name is Rick and I live in Beaverton, Oregon. I am 28 year old professional software engineer and I have been playing RPGs (D&D, Shadowrun, Star Wars d20, etc, etc, etc) since I was about 11. I won't lie that I'm curious about LARPing, especially after seeing the documentary Darkon. Looks like it's up my alley.

Here's the catch: I'm not just ready to jump on it. I want to get my toes wet a little first. Is there anyone in the Portland area who wouldn't mind meeting up for a meal and a beer to discuss it first? I've bought the PDF rulebook and I'm starting to read through it but some real face time with someone (or someones) who've been active for a while would be fun.
Durnic said:

My name is Rick and I live in Beaverton, Oregon. I am 28 year old professional software engineer and I have been playing RPGs (D&D, Shadowrun, Star Wars d20, etc, etc, etc) since I was about 11. I won't lie that I'm curious about LARPing, especially after seeing the documentary Darkon. Looks like it's up my alley.

Here's the catch: I'm not just ready to jump on it. I want to get my toes wet a little first. Is there anyone in the Portland area who wouldn't mind meeting up for a meal and a beer to discuss it first? I've bought the PDF rulebook and I'm starting to read through it but some real face time with someone (or someones) who've been active for a while would be fun.

Good afternoon!

I also live out in Beaverton (and happen to be a software developer, small world!). I'd be happy to meet up and chat about how Alliance works (and LARPing in general). I could be up for meeting sometime tomorrow (Saturday) over lunch if you're available. Drop me a PM or an email at polare (at)

I am a regular player of the OR and plot team member from the Seattle chapter. Unfortunately I am not conveniently in a close geographical setting to meet in person. I would be happy to answer any question you have if you cannot find someone to meet up with in person.

Darkons a pretty good flick. One thing I would note, Alliance is a touch based combat system with an emphasis on RP, while Darkon is a far more physical war scenario game. Much of the Darkon style would not be allowed in an Alliance game. Shield bashing, pushing, body checking, and pinning aren't allowed in Alliance.

Alliance is a blast if you are looking for fantasy RP and fast paced combat.
evi1r0n said:
I am a regular player of the OR and plot team member from the Seattle chapter. Unfortunately I am not conveniently in a close geographical setting to meet in person. I would be happy to answer any question you have if you cannot find someone to meet up with in person.

Darkons a pretty good flick. One thing I would note, Alliance is a touch based combat system with an emphasis on RP, while Darkon is a far more physical war scenario game. Much of the Darkon style would not be allowed in an Alliance game. Shield bashing, pushing, body checking, and pinning aren't allowed in Alliance.

Alliance is a blast if you are looking for fantasy RP and fast paced combat.
Thanks for the reply. I can tell from the movie and contrasting it to the rulebook for Alliance that they are different beasts. Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like Darkon is a game where the main story and plot are driven by the other players in their realm (thus all of the wars with large armies) and Alliance's main story line is run primarily through the Plot Committee with the actions that the players take affecting the outcome and subsequent stories.

Polare said:
I also live out in Beaverton (and happen to be a software developer, small world!). I'd be happy to meet up and chat about how Alliance works (and LARPing in general). I could be up for meeting sometime tomorrow (Saturday) over lunch if you're available. Drop me a PM or an email at polare (at)
Email sent, tomorrow would be perfect.
Durnic said:
Darkon is a game where the main story and plot are driven by the other players in their realm (thus all of the wars with large armies) and Alliance's main story line is run primarily through the Plot Committee with the actions that the players take affecting the outcome and subsequent stories.
I can't speak 100% for Darkon but yes Alliance is primarily plot team driven. The plot team creates the world and populates it with all sorts of fun things and people for our NPCs to play. Plots are written based heavily on how the PCs interact with the world. A PC can do whatever they want (within the rules) to interact with the plot. I know I personally am huge on cause and effect.
I'm in Beaverton myself, but working weekends haven't been able to make any events (that should be changing in July).
I've been looking for others to talk to, get a feel for things

Instead of creating a new thread (and because I can't send PMs since I'm still so new to the forum), can anyone tell me where I can find Alliance Oregon's in-game history? I would like to start piecing together ideas for backgrounds but I want to make sure it works for this Chapter.
Durnic said:
Instead of creating a new thread (and because I can't send PMs since I'm still so new to the forum), can anyone tell me where I can find Alliance Oregon's in-game history? I would like to start piecing together ideas for backgrounds but I want to make sure it works for this Chapter.
At the moment, there is no chapter packet, largely because the first season has been focused on the exploration of a new land. Player-characters have come from a previous campaign, a different campaign, or simply "through the mists" up until recently. If you are playing a Gypsy, Wylderkin or Dwarf, at the moment, we can provide you with a local race packet that contains some local information, though. We expect to have the full campaign packet compiled and published after the May event.

One good way to familiarize yourself with local recent events would be to browse through Out-Of-Game and In-Game Newsletters. If you have any other questions on how to best integrate your character into our world, feel to to hit us up at
Excellent, I have read all of the newsletters (both OOG and IG) and I think I have a couple of ideas. Is it cool if I email you at oregonplot@gmail with ideas?
Durnic said:
Excellent, I have read all of the newsletters (both OOG and IG) and I think I have a couple of ideas. Is it cool if I email you at oregonplot@gmail with ideas?

Sounds good. Please do!