No good deed goes unrewarded.


San Francisco Staff
Greetings Friends and Allies,

I speak to you all in hopes of correcting a misdeed done on my part. This is a some what embarrassing situation for me, so I would truly appreciate any assistance you can grant me. It seems in all the confusion post my attempted subterranean recovery of my brother resete. I forgot to reward those whom followed me into that . . . hasty venture. If those who followed me into tunnels or those who know them would not mind identifying these brave individuals, I would be most appreciative.

I have something of a small token of appreciation for these brave individuals for there efforts. Simply a small token which I feel is owed to them for there courage. Please spread the word if you are able. I am one whom always feels a sense of strong moral obligation in such matter, so rewarding those who have helped me in my time of need is of utmost importance to me.

Your friend and ally,
Embrawk Hematite

If more are in need of compensation for the service they provided retrieving me, I am willing to also compensate. I wish to show my gratitude for any who risked their lives to aid in my rescue. Please let me know what I can do to assist.

If more are in need of compensation for the service they provided retrieving me, I am willing to also compensate. I wish to show my gratitude for any who risked their lives to aid in my rescue. Please let me know what I can do to assist.
Perhaps a few alchemically enhanced ales of the intoxicant variety are in order if you are able to produce them.

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Might want to get that lanky barbarian that chased after you something ... like pants ...
Might want to get that lanky barbarian that chased after you something ... like pants ...
Why would I want to restrict his mobility. Not sure of how that would be much of a gift. Besides I got him something special already.

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While I appreciate the gesture and kindness, I need not any kind of compensation for going after Resete. He needed rescuing and I could not just standby and let him lose his life in the tunnels. I’m sure he or others would have done the same for me.

- Clerk Fenris Achasse
While I appreciate the gesture and kindness, I need not any kind of compensation for going after Resete. He needed rescuing and I could not just standby and let him lose his life in the tunnels. I’m sure he or others would have done the same for me.

- Clerk Fenris Achasse
I am aware you do not need compensation. But perhaps you would mind excepting what I offer as a token of friendship and comraderry. I feel it is only right to acknowledge those who've been there in our moments of need and so this gift will be simple my acknowledgement of your friendship and willingness to action in face of great parrel.

However if you refuse this gift no offense will be taken. I understand you have your own oaths and morals and I would not want you to be untrue to yourself. But understand that I have my own ways as well and so it is only right to offer something to those who help and ask for nothing in return.


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If that is how you feel, then I am more than happy to accept your generosity. Thank you.