Notice of Cancellation of the January 2020 Broken Shards Event



It is with a heavy heart that we, the staff of Alliance LARP Oregon, have to announce the cancellation of the January 2020 event taking place in the Broken Shards campaign. We have taken a lot of information into account before coming to this decision, but for those curious here is a small list:
  1. The Seattle metro area is scheduled to receive from three to five inches of snow on the Friday of the event.
  2. The Portland metro area is scheduled to receive three to nine inches of show the week before the event.
  3. The site itself is scheduled to receive between three to five inches of snow during the course of the event.
  4. The temperature of the event at the site is looking to be from the mid-30’s as highs to the low- to mid-20’s as lows for the entirety of the event.
Because of these factors, we feel that it is not in the best safety interests of any Alliance Oregon players to attend the coming event. While this means that we will be eating certain costs and we will be unable to provide you with the amazing event that we had planned, we do not want to see anyone hurt getting to, during, or returning home from a hobby which we all adore. Please, stay home, stay warm and stay safe.

We are attempting to schedule another event for the Broken Shards for 2020. Please stand by as we work with our sites to get dates locked down. There will be an announcement if a date is locked in.

What’s happening in-game?

For those of you wondering what is happening in-game in the Broken Shards to account for these actions, we simply ask that you all understand that players will still be making important decisions at a game. This means that the vote for staying in the Imperium will happen at the next Broken Shards event (in June 2020) and the Senatorial vote (if the players remain in the Imperium) will happen at the event after that. We are hoping that the “event after that” mentioned in the previous sentence will be the event that we are attempting to schedule.

As for downtimes, we will be sending them out at the normal time, Sunday the 12th. Because of the awkward situation that everyone is now in with the status of the event, we will be doing something new and allowing ONE response to any ONE of the downtimes that you have gone on. No new downtimes will be accepted, if you missed the deadline for getting a downtime in this is not an extension.

What does this mean? Well, let’s say that Cluug the High Ogre (totally not a High Orc) went on a walkabout to learn about the other High Ogres in the Imperium. When Cluug receives their downtime and wants to continue investigating more about an item or event specifically mentioned in that downtime, they may respond to the downtime with something like, “now that I know about the cultural rituals performed by the High Ogres, I wish to learn more about the alchemy that they use for those rituals”. The Plot team will then do our normal process and you will get the response to that downtime the week before the June event. What Cluug could not do is then use their response to go investigate some ruins on the outskirts of a city somewhere, since that action has nothing to do with any actions that they previously took between Event 2 and what would have been Event 3. Any responses we receive like this will be ignored. Receiving no response or a response of “thanks that’s all the information I need!” is totally fine.

We are doing this to allow the players an opportunity to continue to interact with the world even though they will be delayed in actually experiencing the world for another six months.

We will also be stealing a play right out of the Aer’Astria plot team’s playbook and doing a “This Month in the Broken Shards” series, which we will post on the forums and announce on both Discord and on Facebook, just like the Aer’Astria plot team does.

What’s happening out-of-game?

As a Plot team and a LARPing staff that has never had to deal with canceling an event before, the primary thing we are asking for is patience. Some of the timeline and downtime stuff will be wonky and we’re working overtime to make sure that there is some semblance of continuity with the plotlines that we have started in the face of this cancelation. If you have any questions about in-game stuff, please send them to the plot team at If you have any questions about out-of-game stuff, please send those questions to

For those of you wanting refunds, please see the Alliance Oregon Event Cancellation Policy, which is both outlined below and available on our website.

Alliance Oregon Event Cancellation Policy

Safety is our number one priority at Alliance Oregon and occasionally something will happen that requires the cancelation of an event. These circumstances are typically last minute and safety-related and include, but are not limited to, particularly nasty weather or damage to the site that would result in unsatisfactory safety conditions during the event. If staff has deemed that an event will need to be canceled for any reason, then the staff will announce it to the playership as soon as possible after the decision has been made through all normal methods. As of this writing those methods are Discord, the official Alliance forums and Facebook.

In the event of an event being canceled, the players will be able to request a refund, if they have prepaid. That refund can be done in one of the following ways:
  1. Money refunded through the method in which the prepayment was received. Eg, Paypal or Square Cash.
    1. Refunds must be requested by emailing Logistics at within 60 days of the cancellation being announced.
  2. A goblin stamp donation at a 10:1 goblin-stamp to dollar ratio.
  3. Credit towards another Alliance Oregon event, within the next year (12 months from the date of the canceled event), that the player wishes to attend.
In the event of an event being canceled, the chapter will:
  1. Give all pre-registered players a 60 goblin stamp donation.
Please note that due to our very busy schedule of events, and the fact that this is a volunteer-run organization, all possible attempts will be made to reschedule the event but we cannot guarantee that these attempts will be successful.

If the event is cancelled, event experience cannot be awarded to players. If an event must be cancelled mid-event, players will receive credit for the logistics periods they attended. Players may be awarded experience for the whole event, but that is not guaranteed.
Question: will the level cap at the june game still be 60 build?
Question: will the level cap at the june game still be 60 build?
The level cap will not change. It is like we're sliding the entire event six months into the future.
When will the downtime replies be due by? Same time as they would have been if game hadn't been canceled?
Follow ups for the Broken Shards downtimes are due by 11:59pm two Mondays from now, the 27th.