November 2013 Favorites


Lots of fun this event!

Top favorites include:
Vermouth's flattery with regards to "how casually and seemingly effortlessly Rhys slices through her opponents"
Duredhel's formal casting
Duredhel's lesson in formal magic theory before his casting. (Seriously... Formal Scrolls are dragon's toilet paper?!? ... Then does consuming and channeling the magics mean you're eating dragon poop? Rhys now NEVER wants to learn formal magic)
Going All-Out on the undead mod in the park late Saturday (The fog made a wonderfully creepy background to see all of the NPCs stumble and drag themselves out of)
Having my fancy feast clothing given to me by a couple different people as suggestions to wear from their supply.
Being goaded into participating in the contest, and winning for... being shy?
Wilderkyn rolling on the panthergaunt and hunter
Rolly Jolly
Food... so much good food!
This was a short event for us, but a great one. Lots of good fun despite my exhaustion.

The food was amazing. Anyone willing to share recipes with us?
The NPC's as always were a bundle of fun.
Jolly Rolly IS the greatest merchant ever! :hahaha:
Vermouth & Ragnaroks interactions regarding said merchant which later turned into a 3 way conversation with GRONK adding his 2 cents.
I'm with Emilynn, Duredhel that was a neat performance for your formal casting. You had me awed, well, that and I could see the magic with a bit of catnip driven assistance. I too now know that formal magic scrolls are the used toilet paper of dragons. Gives me weird thoughts thinking of Archimedes using it as a "rendered place mat" to eat off.
Rhys chewing on half the items she found throughout the event including her new mirror, components, her bunny.
NPC's, you guys were awesome!

-Interrogating a couple farm girls because the accidentally said they thought their flowers were necromatic
-Stabbing things from behind with Gabriel and Talitha
-Socora and her cooking. Also sitting on the sidelines during the final fight wanting to scream at people to pick up Talitha, if only the unconscious could snore warnings or something
-Talking to Jonathan
-The saturday night undead fight in the fog, it had a wonderful ambiance
-The panther-whatever they were fight, it was kind of funny how long I pulled off standing in the crowd without getting caught
-Running around with The Adventure Capitalists
-Learning Liar's dice
-Gronk almost beating down Gabriel in the tavern when he walked into the wrong point of the conversation
-Late night argument with Zen
-Durh'del screaming 'I AM THE GOBLIN KING!' during the final mod
-Getting introduced to Deputy Sheriff Thorgrim and having the thought 'oh crap, I'm gonna get arrested before I even did anything!' also the birthday cake was awesome
-Fiona's laughing fit
In no particular order

The Feast! Food was awesome, conversation was awesome, and the game of cribbage was fun too.
It was nice to know my side dish entry, although not a winner, was still a hit with a lot of folks.
An awesome roleplay built from a costume owwie(one of the antler cores broke) between myself, the wifey, and the squire and a couple of others.
The wylderkin beatdown of the PG. it was great to build up the appetite right before the feast.
All the sunday mods, and all that wonderful archery goodness that came with it. :D
The auction and raffle :CLAP: tickets :CLAP: sales during the feast. Seeing Alexander's reaction when the clapping started was HILARIOUS.
The bear mod, and the RP i had with the kids afterwards especially. Great parent training for the about to be a dad IG deerkyn :D

quite possibly more to come, but still not working on all cylinders post-event
NPC's and FOOD!

The fog in the park.
Warner's reaction to the "raffle" and "ticket" clapping.
Hanging out with the Black Wolves and Gryphon Guard
Getting vengenced for 120 chaos and taking no affect....multiple times.
Valentino's exciting ressurection story to bring back Mithrodates.
Waking up to see that we are still in combat.
Being chased by a mothkin - hey he is kinda scary
Chasing a possessed mothkin - kill it kill it!
Helping our deerkin with his antlers - the most effective tool? an animal slaying dagger (shhhh he doesn't know that)
It was great playing another character this weekend and seeing the “Venture Capitalist” side of things. Favorites below:

- Food was delicious. I think I had half the loaf of the split bread, and the spicy chili was great. All side dishes were great; well everything was good in all! Thanks Chris/Esten and others for putting it all together.
- Apparently being very quirky, since I’d say something serious and people would laugh, resulting in “why are you laughing, this is serious?” as a response.
- Wylderkin beatdown against Pantherghaunts
- Being mesmerized by Lilly’s light rep—it changes color 3 times!
- Sunday McGreggor mod. Was challenging, and although we lost, we defeated a lot of the phases with only Neolani as a healer. Guess we don’t need healers in Gaden afterall!
- The Fog Skeletons
- Monologuing about how people in Hope’s Reach Monologue too much
- Breaking Commands on people. “Ahh it’s a Moth!” “Why are you afraid of me, you’re supposed to be afraid of the other guy that made you scary. Just look at my face instead, it’ll calm you down!”
- Being Possessed, and having to run around grabbing packets for Aura at full sprint. Good times!
- Bobbing my head to Phoenix’s music, and Fiona losing it in a 3 minute red faced burst of laughter.
- Gronk’s green light whenever I got fixated on something bright.
What a great end of the season event. Now for the favorites (in no particular order).

-The bear mod. And making the mistake of hitting the cub... Worst bear ever.
-Vineas Vines, the Celestial Guild representative being forced to kill some strange creature that proceeded to convulse in its death throes. That was interesting.
-The food was AMAZING as always. Banquet food always makes me so happy.
-Also the Fashion Contest. The flower flip made me feel so pretty.
-Hey it's Walter/Wally/William/Warren!
-"Raffle Tickets." *clap* *clap* "... Item Drawing Slots." Yes we are all terrible people.
-Late night corrupt mod, playing as Mr. Tealveins was lots of fun.
-Being the golems and organizing horde spawns with the rest of the NPC's then marching to our inevitable dooms. Everyone was super awesome for marching in time and generally just being badass.
-"Remember the name Macgregor." And then dying over and over again as an undead. Also more horde spawns.
-Aaaaaaaaaaand finally: The birthday cake. That was amazing.

Thanks to Dave and Alexander for being accommodating and letting me hop fence. Also a big thanks to the plot team for running a great game! See you all next year!
Thanks to everyone, PC and NPC, for everything this event (and especially those who worked to prepare such an excellent banquet)! It's been a heck of a year, and I think this was a nice game to close off the season with if it's okay for me to say so. Here are some of my favorites, in no particular order:

  • Everything GRONK did.
  • "I'm Nishit GRONK!"
  • “Maaany tiny hoblings.”
  • Thanks to Kyle for all the new weapon clips I got to use as McGregor’s Lieutenant of Weapons! Gotta love having 10 short swords clipped to your belt.
  • ”Come out and help; there’s a big undead outside!” “I am no undead!” “He’s a pantherghast!” “I am no pantherghast!” “Well, there’s SOMETHING scary out here!”
  • All of Warner's silly woes, especially that darn ITEM DRAWING and its SLOTS. Y’all are terrible people. :p
  • Though obviously not planned, the fog during the battle against McGregor’s Lieutenant of the Elements was awesome.
  • PCs reburying Lindaline the dead biata on the Corrupt mod after her grave had been ruined was a nice touch.
  • Late-night Goondian RP with Talitha, and the look of wondrous comprehension on her face when she realized Mother’s plan.
  • The archers on the Grand Goobah rescue tunnel ROCKED! You guys practically took out like half my Body on each of my golems!
  • People cheering for all the work I put into the chapter over the last year at the closing ceremonies. It definitely brought tears of thanks to my eyes.
  • The always-wonderful looks I got from old people at afters whilst still in full Imperial Construct makeup.

And probably more as well. Thanks again for the great game, and I’ll see you all soon enough! (Also, remember to send your event feedback to the plot email address!)
Always good to see so many people out and about, a few favorites.

- Lack of site issues - Last year sucked, this year didn't enough said!
- Morning Trolls
- "Where's the good loot?" <points to a hiding Jonathon> .."oh...I see"
- Merrick talking to a couple of people, I think I'll pay Alexander for that mask so other people can't steals it.
- Banquet food and such of course!
- Undead vine monster and the long lasting dominates.
- Seeing folks work together to deal with the low numbers of healers in town.
- Panthergaunt fun.
- Chanting undead
- Barely escaping as the lich king sunday afternoon
- Bear den fight, sometimes random things are random.
Wow there were sooooo many favorites from this last event!

1) The fact that someone wrote a song about my character totally blew my mind. I was singing it all day on Monday (Is there honor anymore...). wow...just wow...
2) Jolly Rolly...seriously...that just happened. Watching him run/waddle around was too much for Dure'dhel (and Ryan) to bear
3) Proving to myself that I could make it an entire event without having to go into a golem (although it may have made the battle against the liche "easier").
4) Teaching others how to cast rituals, it really should be more of a spectator sport ;)
5) Naming Vermouth as his favorite apprentice. Either he's esoteric and wise or just foolishly esoteric, either way he earned some Dure'dhel points (TM)
6) Finally being able to make a dish for the feast that I wanted to (without worrying about anyone's dietary restrictions), and winning :)
7) Conversations with the messenger Sorimoto, providing him with the formal and flowery reply in front of Ark, then following Sorimoto's departure giving Ark a 7-word summary of what he just heard. ;)
8) Being reinstated in the C-Guild, once again everything is back in balance....or is it?
9) Teaching 7th level celestial, only to realize that my spellbook didn't have the "destroy" spell in it, remarking that may have been his problem with that circle all along ;)
10) Finding out what the Sentaut says :shades:

Thanks again to all the NPC's, players, plot and staff for a consistently great game!!!
my favorites include: the early surprise by the trolls causing problems, and that pantherghast coming around and giving all the races there some grief and several tense moments. and also talking with Duredhel and gaining some new insight on the race artifacts.

David Raatz