I had a wonderful event!
- Mevanwy, after a year of observing, finally being more vocal about the things she see's not working. I loved every conversation I had with someone regarding the Healer's Guild, lack of information-sharing in New Acarthia, and ways to improve. It was a really fun way to show her frustration and desire to make things a little more practical.
- Arguing with Misty over the rules regarding not teaching Earth Magic to non-healers-guild-members.
- "Do you want necromancers? Because this is how you get necromancers!" (heh. I liked saying that)
- Duckling Peat. Mevanwy hadn't met her much even beside that, so she didn't understand anything was strange? And stranger things have happened in New Acarthia than someone simply losing her memory. So it was fun to see Mevanwy caught unawares. Note: It's really hard to see oddities with Peat as Amber the PC.... and not be able to speak up about them because Mevanwy the Character wouldn't have known those nuances lol.
- Conversations with Baron Darius and Guildmistress Aneira about the Healer's Guild. I wasn't expecting things to go in that direction, and it's left me very excited for the next New Acarthian game. I want to see where this goes! I haven't been this excited for a PC's future before. So yay. <3
- When Baron Darius suggested Mevanwy come visit Rivervale so they can talk, and Mevanwy goes "Yes, I would like to do that. However I'll need to visit my father first." .... The continual inside joke of Mac playing both Mevanwy's Dad AND Baron Darius continues!
- Working with Alis on fun future plans.
- Attending the Loremaster's guild meeting. And a conversation that went a bit like this:
Mevanwy: "I have not used blood magic since coming to New Acarthia."
Baron Darius: "Well yes, because your rites haven't worked h---"
Mevanwy: "The facts are that we have not used blood magic."
Baron Darius: "Well.... yes..."
Person sitting next to Baron Darius: "But don't those work now?" (I forgot who, but I thiiiink it was Brooke?)
Baron Darius: -elbows her- "Shh! Don't bring that up!"
- The talk, during the Loremaster's Guild meeting about how New Acarthian's have a penchance for licking Dragons. And Mevanwy going "You do WHAT now?"
- CAN I JUST SAY THAT A CLOVEN ORANGE MAKES A GREAT MAGIC ITEM?! lol. I swear, it was the most amazing thing to have our group be given a gift from the farmer we helped... and to find out it's a cloven orange. What's best is it's flaw. It's a 1/day life item for a year, and it has one flaw. It can only be cast by the same person once EVER. Meaning you have to pass it to others, like a cloven orange! It was such a delight!
- Mevanwy testing out the cloven orange and getting kisses from Gillian. <3 And Nyt's face. xD
- That NPC (I think his name is Taylor?) who was entirely sick of my wonderful aim with my arrows, and how many times I dropped him during our Goblin Mod.
He kept going "I'll get you" .... and yet somehow he never did.
- The Gnarltusk clan. I like them. I feel like, had they kept pressing, they might've convinced Mevanwy (on a purely educational premise, in her mind) to try the axe-throwing competition that seemed so important to them. She had fun with that lot.
- I liked the idea of the "Destined", and allowing for newer players to have an opportunity to have a particular purpose. That was cool. Even though I felt odd that Mevanwy even was considered "destined".
- The teamwork that Mevanwy and Aikoll showed while battling at the Bone Totems for the "Destined" battle. Also, that I was able to trade with the Bleeding Eye Orcs to give them Earth Blade and to give me Vorpal Arrows. Hitting for 13 Earth against undead was FUN!
- That Stealth mod to get Anarchy's Spirit Bottle. Mevanwy didn't expect to be going on that one, and it was really cool. I loved the set-up for it, the energy of it, the feeling of time running out, and that BLASTED PUZZLE, lol. It was really well done. Thanks NPCs and Plot <3 (I believe this was a Trace and Ian thing?)
- The dilemma with not being able to solve a puzzle, and running out of time.
- The confrontation with Anarchy once he finds us in his home, kills two of our own, and forces us to give him his spirit bottle back in order to leave. The complexity of "If we say no, we'll just die here anyways from the mist", mixed with "If we give him the bottle he'll let us cast life on our buddies", mixed with "He says he'll leave if we give it back", etc was fun.
- Aneira going "I want to throw this spirit bottle, but I don't want to actually hurt the NPCs", and Trace going "Okay, I'll hold the bottle. You throw, and I as the wind will act as your throw and carry it over". It was hilarious, and I don't know why it was so hilarious.
- I loved seeing so many newer folks. <3 Yay new people!
- Can I just say that the stars up there were particularly gorgeous this gather?
Side note: The continuing inside joke that