NPC food plan!


Howdy all!

We're trying to get together some good numbers on how many people we should plan to have NPC food made for, so please chime in if you're going to be eating! Linda and Shannon, the two ladies who cooked for us at the Scouter's event, will be coming all the way out to Brooks to cook for us again, and the next nearest food store is possibly all the way back across the river (not sure how well Goldendale fared with the fires), so knowing by this Friday at least a rough estimate of how many to plan for would be great! The price is $10, 5 meals, as usual.

List -
  • JP
  • Holly
  • Adam
  • Amy
  • Joe
  • Sean
  • Chaz
  • Evan
  • Thomas
  • Roy
  • Jacob
  • Cymryc
  • Leigh-Ann
  • Rachel
  • Michael
  • Amanda

Ad-hoc slots:
  • Levi
Looks like Gavin & myself should be there.
I will be buying in on the food plan.
i'll also be in on the food plan!
Alright final tally for NPC food is 15, with 2 additional meal plans purchased, which will be given out on a first come first serve basis. If you are on the list above, you were considered part of the original 15.
Slice said:
Alright final tally for NPC food is 15, with 2 additional meal plans purchased, which will be given out on a first come first serve basis. If you are on the list above, you were considered part of the original 15.

I note that Amy said 'Me!' early on in the counting, yet is not on the list... is she part of the 15?

My cousin Levi apparently suffers from some sort of chronic forum deficiency, but he does intend to attend and would like to lay claim to one of the additional meal slots.
hydroguy said:
yeah now i don't suffer from forum deficiency

It's a miracle! I was afraid it was going to be terminal...