NPC Recruitment Incentives!


As you may have noticed recently, our NPC numbers our getting a little thin. We're introducing an NPC Recruitment Incentive Program to help fill the ranks and encourage repeat NPC's. Rewards will be given to players who bring new NPC's to Alliance Oregon events, which, for the purpose of this policy is defined as an event lasting from at least Friday to Sunday.

• 30 Gobbies will be awarded to a player who brings a new to Alliance NPC.
• If the NPC attends 3 full events, out of 4 next events as an NPC, the inviting player will receive one of the following, at the player’s option:
o A single charge, single rit restricted magic item drawn at random by Plot.
o Player may submit a personal plot request, for In-Game personal plot.

• Personal plot submissions may be broad and general, or more specific and goal oriented, but keep in mind that ultimately Plot is deciding the direction that it will go. An acceptable personal plot submission is not “Thor-Bob wants to fight a dragon, take its treasure and become King of North Saskatchewan,” but rather something along the lines of :
• “Thor-Bob was guided back from the swamplands by a mysterious man on horseback, when lost as a child, he’s going to begin investigating this”
• “Thor-Bob is aiming to start a jugglers guild”
• “I would like something to happen with Thor-Bob, here is his back story and a list of current interests, activities and goals. Do as you will.”

• Do not expect an immediate In-Game reaction; the plot will be weaved into the game world. It helps if we have a current character back story on hand, or a synopsis of what Thor-Bob has been doing over the last season (both on and off screen).
• If we have a large deal of personal plot requests, Plot, at their discretion, may delay implementation of a personal plot line, but will inform the player that it will be a little further down the line and give the player the option of continuing, or receiving the alternate reward.
• NPC's will receive the standard NPC compensation, but may apply to join the NPC Guild which bring additional levels of compensation and awards.

This policy goes into effect immediately, with the April event being the first event eligible for the NPC Recruitment Incentive Program, so start recruiting those NPC's!