October 1513 Rumors

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
The Hope’s Reach area is buzzing: A castle has appeared nearby! It certainly wasn’t there a month ago! Where did it come from?

The Ritual of Remembrance will be held on the evening of the 12th, and many are preparing their words to remember their fallen friends and family.

The Butterfly is Jimmy Three Face.

With instances becoming more frequent, periodic pulses of magic have been radiating from those weird gold blocks covered in runes, making the nearby grass stand on end and the air full of a weird haziness for a few seconds.

Squire Von Gryphon is going to wipe the floor with the Goblin King.

Squire Von Gryphon is going to be wiped on the floor by the Goblin King.

It is recommended to be careful when walking at night: An undead with a few masses of writhing vines following in its wake was spotted slinking around the area a few nights ago.

With Dure’dhel being demoted, some say the local Celestial Guild branch will crumble within just a few months.

Bugbears have been out and about more than usual, but they just seem to be gathering wood rather than harassing people.

After he lost it to goblins and then trolls, locals are starting to wonder what kind of beast Thorgrim will lose his axe to next. Most people reckon it’ll be spiders.

Wait, I thought the Lich King McGregor was destroyed a few years ago? Those adventurers lied to us!

Maybe I'll hire Arkimedies to help mediate things between me and my constantly-nagging wife...

Military preparations for the end of the Respite are in full swing, but it still looks like it’ll still be a rough fight when the Corrupt start pressing forward again.