October Saturday Night meal


So, in addition to the NPC meal plan, Linda and Shannon have offered to cook for a Saturday night meal that everyone can buy in on. We're still sussing out the specifics of what will be served, but expect a protein or two, some veggies, and some starches. (Gee, that's specific!)

NPCs, you're already covered if you buy in to the normal NPC food plan. PCs, the cost to buy-in will be $6, paid to Holly or I. Chiming in sooner rather than later let's us get good numbers for our amazing volunteers to head out and do the shopping this weekend, so let us know by Friday night if you want in. We'll probably build in a buffer, but again, forewarned is four-armed, and all that.

  • Seth
  • Leigh-Anne
  • Matt
  • Andy (Tantarus)
  • Andy (Legion?)
  • Ron
  • Carmen
  • Gabe
  • Jimmy
  • Bill
  • Tony C
  • Scott
  • Nick
  • possibly Barb
  • Bryan G
  • David
  • Courtney
  • Tony M
  • Jesse
  • Raissa
  • Marc
  • Doug
  • Dash
  • Corbin
  • Paul
  • Kara
  • Mike L
  • Brittany
  • Brian J
  • Will
Count me in too, please. :)
Also this meal will coincide with an in game feast/celebration on Saturday night, which is to be announced shortly IG. You do not have to partake in the food to take part in the celebration, but is something to keep in mind.
If the Tony on the list is Tony Columbo, then also please add Tony Mungo.

Tony Mungo
If the Tony on the list is Tony Colombo, then I would like to join in as well

Tony Mungo
Jesse, Raissa, and Marc would like in, if possible!
Please add Paul and Kara Guillory. :thumbsup:
Sorry I didnt post sooner, computer died and didnt get fixed tell last night. If its not to late i would like to sign up.
