On the subject of hunting...


Colorado Staff
I think very few of you know why I am Davion... "The Hunter." While it is true that I enjoy getting my own dinner, rarely do ordinary creatures provide much of a challenge to me anymore. That's why, 3 years ago, I came to Hope's Reach. I was a Werewolf Hunter and one was loose in your town. It is also why I'm an alchemist, so I can produce quicksilver coatings, weaknesses and other poisons against those who are infected.

As some of you know, a spectre of that original werewolf appeared in the vault of the mist creatures. I eventually slew that creature, but in the aftermath, we discovered some were bitten. I believe those bitten are infected, despite the creature being a mere memory. In the Sheltered Lands, lycanthropy is a terrible disease which WILL eventually cause madness, extreme violence, faultless fortitude, and crushing strength.

Please do not name those who were infected in this dream realm. But be wary of the full moon and perhaps dedicate yourself to looking for a potential cure for those infected. If one is not found, I will once again be on the hunt until every last lycanthrope dwelling in Hope's Reach has been cleansed by resurrection, even if that means my own death.

Hunter Davion

I will not name the individual, however after performing a ritual to cleanse their lycanthropy taint, they are 100% cured of that disease.

Rest a little easier. There is still 1 more person affected, but as long as they don't come to Gaden anytime soon, they should be fine; if they do, they most certainly should seek a cure.
